I ask this question without judgement of anyone. All I am wondering is this ------- I do see a lot of people say that the Beatles are/were way over-rated, that they weren't really that good, any number of things. All in all, I hear a lot of 'what was the big deal with these guys anyway? They weren't anything great.' I am not judging those opinions, just wondering this ---- why, then, did the whole Beatles thing happen? Is it that they WERE a good band but are no longer relevant or important? Were they just an average band that for some reason or another were seen as far better than they were? Were they a lousy band that got sold as something great, and the whole world bought it?
You see what I am asking, probably. If the Beatles really WEREN'T anything exceptional, why then did the whole Beatles thing happen? I will be interested in seeing people's answers on this.