How Do I Ask My Cousin To Be In His Rock Band?
2007-05-09 20:54:13 UTC
My cousin Chase is starting a rock band, and i always wanted to be in one..
I dont want to be turned down and be embaresed if i ask him..
i always wanted to be in a rock band..
i just dont know how to ask him help me come up with ways so he will exept me (how do i dress...what do i do i say it....WHAT DO I DO?!)
Five answers:
2007-05-12 19:53:04 UTC
If you need to ask questions like how do I dress, then maybe your not what your cousin needs. To be in a real band you need to not only be able to play your instrument but you need to live your music, you need to eat, sleep, breathe and base your life on your music. A band will consume your entire life it isn't a part time thing, a band is a 24/7 commitment. Before you even ask to be in the band, you need to ask yourself if your capable of living that life.
shannon !
2007-05-09 22:56:38 UTC
All you have to do is say "Hey, dude, let me be in your band!" and if he says no, tell him "We're family, you better let me or I'm telling your mom!"

He'll let you in.
2007-05-11 10:52:12 UTC

just say, "hey, i've always wanted to be in a band and i really wanna be in yours."

but first you gotta be sure you got the skills to be in the band.

be able to prove yourself to him.

show him you have what it takes.
Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)!
2007-05-09 23:18:55 UTC
Yeah, What DO you DO? That IS the question! If you play an instrument, then play it for him. If you sing, then sing for him. If you're what he's looking for then he'll ask you! :-)
El Rick
2007-05-10 13:08:55 UTC
just say

"yo cuz let me be down wit cho rock band an sheeeit. we can tour da whole muh ****** planet -no wat i'm sayin cuz? we cuzins an all so we needs ta sticks tagetha. "

thats how i got into my cousins band

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.