2010-03-08 10:24:53 UTC
If you have, how fair do you think a comparison of Howard Beale to Johhny Rotten? I actually like Rotten but, he's always appearing on shows/in interviews putting on the rebellious act and coming up with all that crap about the system being built on lies, and how the music industry sucks and all that ****. While I don't really with most of what he says, it does seem quite a bit hypocritical for him to be mouthing of the music industry when it is the reason he is where he is right now. I can't help but think that it's just an act he puts on, because, well, people do get drawn in by that kind of crap. It's just a form of entertainment, isn't it? So..umm...what do you think?
BQ: Your song of the day?
BQ2: Do proffered rebels often appear in butter adverts? haha