You can call me a flip flopper politically if you like, but I have definitely changed my position on this issue. I loved Napster back in the day, before Lars looked like a jerk and all that good stuff, but it was because I didn't really think of both the impact on the music industry in general and the little guy if you will.
The fact of the matter is that between home recording a professional product being as cheap as it's become and the importance of cost analysis that happens whenever you're talking about a high profile distributor you're talking about an excuse to take less chances financially. Thus, you're talking about justification for a lesser product. Less payout means less money put in. There is truth to the fact that mainstream music is less inventive now-a-days. Part of that has to do with internet commerce/lack of commerce.
Look. So you're denying the contract to a soon to be rich dude, but think of the second point. Think of the little guy that is teetering between being able to be a musician and work part time, when they're not touring in a record store or something a much more common story than you may think). I remember being amazed when I found out how late in their careers Rocket From the Crypt for instance got to quit their day jobs. By downloading without buying you're going right out of their pockets.
Now-a-days there are places where they will give you what you want. Why not just take that and if you want more buy a record? You can, via myspace get practically get half a record for free anyways. Or if you just like one song by a band it's all of $0.99. That's a new thing, we never had that option. It's just fair. It costs a lot of money to make a record. I think a lot of people take that for granted, especially for the little guys who don't have fat contracts.
that's just my opinion on the subject. I'm not talking about you particularly, just the culture.
I get what you're saying Nate, and I see the logic, but I feel comfortable saying that you don't get the big picture. That logic works great if the only bands you're downloading are Metallica, R.E.M., and Christina Aguilera, but that's not the only people it effects. It's a slippery slope. That and you're degrading the quality of what you purchase by making that decision.
Let the people decide, not to be condescending, but only if it was so simple.