Do u know any good good websites to download Chinese Pop, Korean pop and jap pop music?
2007-05-10 01:24:33 UTC
I am finding a good website and forums r good 2. And if you ever been 2 I registered but when i wanted to download anything in the forum it said that we have to post the topic.......... Can someone please, please, please, please, please help me......... Thanx ;]
Two answers:
2007-05-12 07:12:05 UTC
Try to visit, enter the forums and there will be many types of latest songs that you can download from there,

Hope Ive helped! ((:
2016-11-27 04:37:41 UTC
a million. Are you of Korean/Asian descent? -definite, i'm 0.5 Korean and 0.5 US 2. have you ever heard of ok-pop? (if so, how did you hit upon out approximately it?) -definite,considering i became into born, i assume, yet have been given into it whilst GEE got here out whilst i became into youthful, by potential of girls' era 3. Do you easily hear to ok-pop? (if so, why/why no longer? What do you like/dislike the main approximately it?) -definite xP 4.what's your widespread artist/team? -women' era,SHINee,Exo and massive Junior <3

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