Book: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer & A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb
CD Album: Bjork - Debut, Fall Out Boy - All of 'em, & The Wallflowers - Bringing Down the Horse, Muse - Absolution
Song: Anything from Rent, I really like "Fer Sure Maybe" - The Medic Droid
Band/Singer: Dresden Dolls, Medic Droid, Jeffree Star, Copeland, Arctic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy, & Panic! At the Disco...oh and I like Regina Spektor, Bjork, and Norah Jones as well. And definately Muse...they're great.
**For Fun**
Movies: Hairspray, Chicago, American Beauty, Shaun of the Dead, Rent, and probably Transformers/Disturbia (I love Shia LaBeouf)
Actor: Shia ^_^, John Cusack, Joaquin Pheonix
Actress: Christina Ricci (Black Snake Moan was great) & Amanda Peet
Color: Blue and Pink...and Brown and Grey...and I suppose I like green as well
Have fun reading!