■ ■ Layout of Warped■ ■
There are just tons and tons of tents and about 7-9 stages depending on the venue you're going to.
The tents are tents of sponsors and each band has a tent full of merchandise to buy and that is where the signings usually take place or where the lesser popular bands hangout (great opportunity to meet them and take pictures of them. Plus, they might become more famous/popular in the future. B) )
Warped Tour gates open at 11:00 a.m. usually and closes around 7:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. SHOW UP EARLY. Even though doors open at 11, you still have to wait in line for a long time in order to get your ticket scanned and whatnot. You find out where the bands play (the stages) when the Warped Tour dates edge closer. They'll be announced on the website. ( I advise to check the website every now and then to update yourself. The stages that are really close together don't have two bands playing at once because the bands' sound will overlap. Different bands play on different stages during different times. The stages are scattered everywhere so the sound doesn't overlap. Doesn't take long to travel from stage to stage.
■ ■ Signings■ ■
Line length depends on how popular the band is but it's usually regulated by a certain amount of posters or whatever being passed out by a representative of the band by the number being limited. [Ex. Last year Crown the Empire passed out special posters that you had to have in order to get anything signed and August Burns Red had special flyers.]
Last year, I got signings from two bands.
Getting things signed can be hard because most of the time, you have to have a wristband or something that represents that you were chosen to get your stuff signed such as a specific poster or whatever.
You can get these mostly at the band's specific tent. (look at the layout ^^^^^)
Not all bands sign stuff. The time when bands sign stuff differs from band (some after or before they play).
**SOME BANDS REQUIRE YOU TO PAY FOR SIGNINGS OR PHOTOS WITH THEM** bit those are usually only the very popular ones. I believe that only two bands did that last year. **MOST SIGNINGS ARE FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS. MOST NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO GET SIGNED ARE LIMITED!** Basically, you can get the permits to get stuff signed at the band's tent, their record label, or sponsor tents (most likely Alternative Press Magazine!)
■ ■ Lineups/Stage/Positions■ ■
As I said, you'll know the stage the bands play when Warped edges nearer.
You can buy a map at the white Vans tent (it's noticeable) that has a flag marked "Directions" or "Maps" and the map is $1 and includes the lineup of what time the band will play (and which stage).
If you have a smartphone, I recommend getting the Warped Tour App. The app becomes updated on the day of your concert and shows basically whatever is on the paper. Still, the paper is only a buck.
If you really want to see a band and be up close, I recommend getting to that stage early, before they play.
You also find out the times/stage by a huge inflatable billboard in the front of the concert.
■ ■ Buying Merch/Merch/Food/Beverage/Water $$$$$$$■ ■
Last year I brought 80 bucks and I was fine. This year, I am bringing around 200 though due to me wanting to buy more merch than last year. Food is expensive, a slice of pizza runs around maybe 7 bucks and so does a lemonade. Plus, the food is junk food. Bringing healthy snacks is smart. I did it last year (:.One of the regulations require that you bring up to one sealed water bottle. They do have a FREE water filling station. It isn't unsanitary or anything, It's a very nice station. What I highly recommend that you do is to bring one iced sealed water bottles along with an EMPTY thermos or water bottle. If it isn't EMPTY they won't allow you in because they assume it's something alcoholic. You can use the water bottle fill up station as much as you'd like. So you won't feel as hungry, try eating a nice breakfast.
Every band has available merchandise to buy. **TIP** Check the record label tent merch before the band merch at the band merch tent because they're usually way cheaper at the record label tents.
■ ■ Clothing/ What to wear/not to wear■ ■
No>>>> skirts/dresses not recommended [Esp. in moshpits, wall of death, ect.], sandals, ANYTHING EXPENSIVE, any top that can untie easily [I've seen guys untie girls' tops and laugh], excessive black clothing, flip-flops
Yes>>>> Comfortable shoes, any clothes you feel comfortable in,
No>>>> flip-flops [you'll be on your feet most of the time]
Yes>>>>Basically anything. You can even go shirtless if it gets too hot
■ ■ Rules/Regulations■ ■
No umbrellas,no chairs,don't bring more than 1 sealed water bottles, no outside food from other places ther than home. (Just don't bring loads of food. This isn't a picnic.), no illegal drugs/substances (so many get busted for weed and get kicked out and/or arrested), no guns or w.e., [something else that I saw was someone with a chain wallet having to go back to their car to put it away. Don't bring those.]
■ ■ Extra Stuff They Have■ ■
-Water fill station
-Fun games with super cool prizes.
-Solar powered phone charging station
-You can meet YouTubers:
Vincent Cyr, Bryan Stars, Damon Fizzy, Johnnie Guilbert, and Kaitlin Witcher.
-The really cool Emilie Autumn thing for June 18-22 (If you have any of those dates, go. She's amazing.)
-DJ tent
-Misting stations
-Shaded areas
-Reverse Daycare [So parents can sit with other parents and not bother you. It's a tent with movies, food, and air conditioning.]
-A slip and slide.
-A condom tent
-Free samples of stuff
-Many more activities..
■ ■ Extra Tips■ ■
-Bring a small backpack to carry stuff in
-Bring sunscreen [Very hot. A ton of sun. So many people roast]
-Bring a camera?
-A sharpie. [Most of the time, band members walk around freely. You might get lucky and get someone to sign something or get pictures]
-Try going to see a band that you haven't heard before, might be fun!
-If you're under 18, one parent/guardian can get in free.
-It's pretty often when you can meet the bands and take pictures with/of them because some of them walk around (:
-Watch an episode or two of Warped Roadies [It's basically the mishaps and fun that happen on Warped. It can help you picture everything at Warped.]
■ ■ Extra Tips x2 (so you aren't a douche)■ ■
-If someone falls in a mosh-pit, help them up.
-If a crowd-surfer falls, help them up.
-Make sure that guys aren't harassing the girls.
-Don't harass the girls.
-Don't make fun of anyone for what they wear.
-Don't start ****.
-Don't hate on bands in front of those who like them.
-Try not to offend anybody
-Do not untie girls' tops.
-Don't use a crowd as an explanation rub up against girls.
Have fun! Tell me if you have any more questions. I'd totally answer them for you!