Hi, I'm in a bit of a stupid problem. I want to be able to play guitar (plugged into the amp, and headphones in) whilst simultaneously having headphones from the computer playing songs. I learn songs at night (not sure why) and I can't have the amp on or the computer speakers. At the moment, I have earphones under my headphones, so that I can hear my music from computer and the guitar from the amp at the same time. As you can imagine, it's uncomfortable as hell, but I usually put up with it. I want to know if there's a simpler solution to this that my small brain hasn't come up with? I thought about using a Y splitter, with one female (for one pair of headphones) to two males (for the amp and then computer). But I saw that this might cause damage to the sound sources and I don't want to risk damaging anything.
So, is there a better way of going around this rather than 2 pairs of headphones over one another?