2011-04-19 11:46:03 UTC
I've changed this part a little bit. Before I listed as many albums as I could, but this time I've only included 16. Hopefully it will easier and consume less time.You know the drill, Pick your 8 favorite, or at least the 8 you think are the best and the albums that show up the most make it to Part 2!
And remember guys, nothing like this will be included:
Underworld- Adagio
Days of Rising Doom- Aina
Captain Morgan's Revenge- Alestorm
Temple of Shadows- Angra
The Black Halo- Kamelot
The Metal Opera- Avantasia
Tales From The Twilight World- Blind Guardian
Follow the Reaper- Children of Bodom
In the Night- Dream Evil
Theater of Salvation- Edguy
Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt: 2- Helloween
Land of the Free- Gamma Ray
Glory to the Brave- Hammerfall
A Distant Thunder- Helstar
The Divine Wings of Tragedy- Symphony X
Horror Show- Iced Earth
Also, this time, you can also list your own 8 albums instead of any of these, but no repeats by a single artist please. And try not to get too obscure, I want to keep it fairly mainstream so the albums will be easier to identify by the majority. I just hope some of you pick the same albums!!!
And remember to make sure it's Power Metal or I'll have to do this