2010-05-08 22:19:15 UTC
What you have to do is come up with some scenario. You've just seen (insert musician/band here) at (insert place here) doing (insert action here). Kapeesh? Okay good.
I'll go first.
OH MY GAWD. I just saw Pete Wentz at Walgreen's buying a People magazine and a http://www.asseenontvguys.com/ProductImages/as_seen_on_tv_guys_1/strap-perfect-bra-clip.jpg to hold his man bewbs more effectively!!!!!!!
Your turn!
BQ: Now playing?
BQ2: Bored?
BQ3: Last.fm anyone?
BQ4: Eric Forman vs. Steven Hyde
BQ5: What's a fact about the state you live in?
Mine: Wisconsin has been your #1 cranberry producer for over 100 years! Be thankful.