Migh! I saw your question earlier, but I had to make sure my computer was clean because of recent dodgy links we talked about. So I did 3 hours worth of computer cleaning using safe mode & other stuff while I made sure I had updates on them too. Anyway 1 of the songs I was gonna use was the one Huevo used of Johnny Cash's, I guess music minds think alike sometime. I have some other ones I was gonna use too, but first I wanted to mention a lot of great links here, reminded me of times past also. Such as that Entombed link reminded me of the first time I saw an Entombed video was on a B-movie video that was a horror movie that I think had some comedy in it. I liked Emtombed ever since then! Here's the song that got me started on them--
Some of the scenes with women together, in that link I posted I thought was kinda sleazy, but otherwise the band rocked & I've outgrown troma flics since then. Otherwise the link Harry Callanhan posted with Oasis reminded me of one of my exes. An ex who isn't the woman I miss now, but an ex who I did a pretend wedding with in a graveyard before me & her & bunch of friends, went off to a Punk concert that night. Which the song that Harry reminded me of that reminded me of her was this song--
A female friend of her's, I stayed friends with long after that ex of mine & I were no longer going out. That friend of her's later opened a Western Swing club, which even had this Stray Cats member play there--
I like Ruby's Mama's & Papa's link to it reminded me of this Punk band MIA's cover of "California Dreamin" & Pantera's walk for some reason reminded me of jogging even though the song brings up other stuff. The Nirvana links & references reminded me of a couple of girls here, that I know likes Nirvana a lot. Faith no more reference reminds me of art. The Velvet Underground song & great choice by the way Suzy!--that song reminded me of Eleanna & also this Suicide "Cheree" song--
That Iggy Pop song--another great song--another great song reminded me of "Trainspotting but also of a funny film about the drug scene that Jack Nicholson directed back in the 60's called "The Trip". The Beatles link reminds me of the Live Aid concert back from the 80's & oddly enough if James Bond needed assistance/help. With all the superheros in movies the best in terms of realism somewhat & 20th century I could think for that was a charactar Jean Reno played once. As I mentioned Huevo used the first one I thought of using, so I'll post a couple of substitute links. First though I'll say Huevo's link reminded me also of Nick Cave doing a cover of a Johnny Cash song--
The first one I think of on days including sundays that I enjoy sunny days/want a sunny day & to surf maybe--
Which I'm sorry Harry Callahan, I regret not getting to your Ventures question in time, I wish I had--so sorry about that! As for my sunday song I guess I'll go with Morrissey's "Everyday is like Sunday"--
BA--The first song I listened to was that Coil song on your link. Love Coil too. It just goes to show the band Throbbing Gristle left behind a lot more than just their Throbbing Gristle work. So in honor of offshoot bands of Throbbing Gristle, here's another link with another one of Throbbing Gristle's offshoot bands--Psychic TV with a tribute song they did in honor of Ian Curtis of Joy Division who like Kurt Cobain decided to end his pain in a similar way. Here's Psychic TV's "I.C. Water"--