1. What is the pic on your desktop background?
It's a computer error box with Anton Chigurh's face in the top left corner. "Call it, friend-o", and then the options are: "Heads", "Tails", "You don't have to do this." But the last option is grey--can't select it. ...I found this hilarious, but if you haven't seen "No Country for Old Men," you probably won't get it.
2. Close your eyes and turn off the music if your listening to any, now what was the first thought that came to your head?
Gah, my eyes hurt. ...I should have taken my contacts out last night...
3. Look at the back of your hands, is there anything written on them?
4. If you got a dark grey cat with white paws and neck that was normal weight, what would you name her? Him?
I had one once, and named him Figaro. If I had a new one, now, I'd name her Pitty Sing (from Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"--the grandmother's cat looks exactly like you described). But I already named my calico that.
5. How does your hair look right now?
Hm...I imagine it isn't looking too great, since I just woke up. And yes. It's 12:10.
6. Breathe in really deeply. What do you smell?
Hot chocolate--which makes me infinitely happy.
7. Close your eyes and turn your head to the right and slightly up.
Now open them. What is the first thing you saw?
Several family members are squished together on one of the couches, drinking hot chocolate and watching the GA/GA Tech game. Which I really should be watching right now.
8. If there was one song that you could hum right now, what would it be?
"Winter White Hymn", I suppose.
9. Hum that song.
10. Did anyone watch the Pink Floyd stuff on VH1C yesterday?
I was shopping all day. I missed it. : (
11. What am I going to dream about tonight?
Hopefully about smurfs and sundaes.
MQ: Was the song that you hummed ever redone by another band?
If so, what band?
Nope. It's too new. On the Awesome-side--I bought the Fleet Foxes CD while shopping yesterday! As well as MGMT's Oracular Spectacular!