Good afternoon KP :)
You know I love my Scottish Folk music, and thanks to the Mike Harding show on BBC Radio 2, a few months ago I came across this duo :
if you click on "Listen" they have some samples ~ great, as YT is a bit limited, and all live {Scottish Folk is wonderful live, but only if the sound quality is top}.
The Creelman
The Ring on Her Hand
The Burray Strathspey and Reel
{^ a personal favourite!}
MQ2: Listening...
'Travelling Dunk Tank' = let's say, if it came on the radio I'd be okay with it.
'The Wren' = I feel like I might be watching an episode of "CSI:NY"...! Again, I'm not in a hurry to get away from it.
'Matches to Paper Dolls' = I love the music, and the vocals are okay, just not sure of the lyrics, and @1:14 it sounds like Pinky & Perky on the backing vocals!
'A Hundred Fathers' = always easier to get into things when you 'get' some of the lyrical references...
BQ: Yep. I'd never write off an entire genre based on only hearing a few songs!
For example, I'm not a fan of Opera, but I'm open to the possibility someone may one day introduce me to a piece I like.