Hi there, thanks, Merry Christmas to you too - I hope you enjoy it.
Religion & Spirituality; I go there once in a while, but I always end up being quite insulting, so I don't go there often.
It does get quite heated, and It used to scare me, but I'm so similar to a lot of the people there. I like to argue theology and I /do/ get rather agressive or insulting about my beliefs - or lack thereof. It's not a good trait, but bleh..
Other - Music; I just go there when people genuinly want a factual answer. Here in R&P it's more opinion based, so people have gotten to now eachother better - whereas from what I can see, in that section it's about facts - and the odd "What's your favourite song", so "relationships" don't seem to exist there, perhaps I'm wrong. I was very surprised when I got a TC badge for that section actually, ha.
Polls & Surveys; I agree, the questions are /very/ random - but that's part of the fun. The only thing I dislike about it is the fact that the questions don't always require much thought. I like to read in depth answers to my questions, not one worded answers...
LGBT; I go there and share my views from time to time or give people advice. I get a tad intimidated sometimes, and I just end up lurking - because everyone seems to know eachother and that makes me the odd one out. That's exactly how I felt with R&P. When I first joined, I hardly ever answered questions where I saw the regulars -at the time- answering, because even online - social places make me iffy, and I thought I'd be the odd one out, and I felt like my answers would just be silly - but i'm just a saddo.
Um.. where else?...
That's all I can think of for now. I have to take some presents to my Grandma's house now, I'll add to this if I think of anymore when I have returned.
I hope everyone has a lovely day.