R&P Natives, How Do You Feel When You Go To Other Sections of Yahoo! Answers >?
hedZy ♀ The Dancing Banana
2007-12-25 00:09:04 UTC
First of all, Merry Christmas!

I went to Religion&Spirituality a while ago, and found people really hateful down there.. it was quite spooky.

Then there's Polls&Surveys, where I thought the questions were fun, but extremely random..

If you go to Health, all you find is the "Am I Pregnant ?" question.. if you go to Family&Relationships, you get alot of "Why hasn't he called yet?". And finally, I don't think I'll ever go to Celebrities again.. it's filled with kids that are obsessed with Miley Cyrus and other Disney Channel stars.

Well, that's what I think. What other sections have you visited, and what are your thoughts?
Sixteen answers:
Cinny [1334♀]
2007-12-25 01:22:34 UTC
Hi there, thanks, Merry Christmas to you too - I hope you enjoy it.

Religion & Spirituality; I go there once in a while, but I always end up being quite insulting, so I don't go there often.

It does get quite heated, and It used to scare me, but I'm so similar to a lot of the people there. I like to argue theology and I /do/ get rather agressive or insulting about my beliefs - or lack thereof. It's not a good trait, but bleh..

Other - Music; I just go there when people genuinly want a factual answer. Here in R&P it's more opinion based, so people have gotten to now eachother better - whereas from what I can see, in that section it's about facts - and the odd "What's your favourite song", so "relationships" don't seem to exist there, perhaps I'm wrong. I was very surprised when I got a TC badge for that section actually, ha.

Polls & Surveys; I agree, the questions are /very/ random - but that's part of the fun. The only thing I dislike about it is the fact that the questions don't always require much thought. I like to read in depth answers to my questions, not one worded answers...

LGBT; I go there and share my views from time to time or give people advice. I get a tad intimidated sometimes, and I just end up lurking - because everyone seems to know eachother and that makes me the odd one out. That's exactly how I felt with R&P. When I first joined, I hardly ever answered questions where I saw the regulars -at the time- answering, because even online - social places make me iffy, and I thought I'd be the odd one out, and I felt like my answers would just be silly - but i'm just a saddo.

Um.. where else?...

That's all I can think of for now. I have to take some presents to my Grandma's house now, I'll add to this if I think of anymore when I have returned.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.
Lady Silver Rose * Wolf
2007-12-25 06:53:57 UTC
~*~ Merry Christmas ~*~

Well, I often take an overview of the entire music section, so I tend to answer Q's in 'Other Music', 'Lyrics' and 'Singing', as well as R&P.

I also go to 'Religion and Spirituality' quite often, but as a Pagan I tend to clash with the obsesive Christians.

And then there's 'Mythology and Folklore' ~ interesting at times, but a few of the negative people from R&S drop in there.

'Tattoos' is another place I like to visit, due to my interest in the subject. It always shocks me how many 15-year-olds keep asking "Where can I get a tattoo done", and then get rude when everyone tells them there's a *reason* they have to be 18!

And I go into the 'LGBT' every so often ~ I have a contact or two there, and the Q's can be hilariously random. But, on the downside, a few of the 'negatives' from 'R&S' turn up there as well.

I drop into 'Polls & Surveys' every so often, but the Q's move *so* fast there.

Oh, and 'Movies', now and again.
2007-12-25 08:33:19 UTC
Merry Christmas hedZy and Merry Christmas to all R&P Too

HedZy, I originally came from the Wrestling Section but I feel much more comfortable here. Why, You ask? Simple, because it is deadly dangerous down there. Honestly I believe it's the third most dangerous minefield in Y!A after only the Religion and Politics sections.

I've been to at least half of Y!A since I've been here (1st of June...don't let the date on this account fool You) And in at least half the sections there is a private war going it's FOB & MCR Vs The World. In Religion it's tha Athesists Vs The Fundies. In politics it the Dems Vs the Reps. In Wrestlings it The Users Vs The Trolls.

So honestly the only other setion I much visit anymore are the one's that are "safe" and that I am knowledgeable in namely

Movies, Military, History, and Mythology & Folklore

No wars in there.

And finally, while I'm at it Polls & Surveys...Yea it's the most poular section on Y!A but...

It's toally clicque-ridden and troll I steer well clear.

Great question hedZy, I love one that makes Me think.



I saw that same thought it was one of the most insulting ignorant racist question I have ever seen....I so don't blame You for throwing up your hands in disgust and quitting the section over it.

Edit 2

I case anyone wants to know the reason why I quit The Wrestling Section and came here...2 reasons

1..I'm more knowledgeable here anyway

2..You can't have an opinion without getting reported down there
meep meep
2007-12-25 00:23:30 UTC
Merry Christmas to you too!

The sections I visited:

Polls and Surveys: I use to have a TC badge over there till they took those away and I got a million violations for stuff like "Do you act you age?" and " More cowbells anyone?". I was scared of losing my account so i just left.

Society and Culture: Too much racism, I saw questions ranging to "Why do the Chinese eat babies, can't they go back to prostitution like they always have?" and "Should we round up all white people and lock them away?". At some point I realize their ignorance was beyond my help.

Standards and Testing: Man that section is boring

Politics: It almost made me cry...

Religion and spirituality: Too much hate over there

I think I'll stay over here, right where I know what I'm doing, I'm interested, most my contacts are and where I'm wanted.


Cinnamon: Yea, I felt the same about R&P, even though I was one of the first regulars (I was here before they created subgenres) I still felt odd going to questions by the other regulars. LOL. I guess that's two of us :0 )

Have a nice day......4:25am... I should be in bed....
2007-12-25 00:36:22 UTC
Religion & Spirituality... Wow. I'm never going back there again. It's just crazy there. It's Christians vs. Atheists everywhere, and when you try to ask a question about another religion you know nothing about, everyone turns on you.

Polls & Surveys. I don't really like this place. So many useless questions and even if you want to put thought into your answers, you just can't.

LGBT. I respect those people, but some questions are plain weird.

Family. Nice section actually. I like talking about family even though I can't say I like my family all that much.
2007-12-25 18:58:01 UTC
wait ... there's other sections? it does seem this way doesnt it?

i make some rare visits to the Vegetarian/Vegan side.

It can get very repetitive ... same old recipes, "parents wont let me", "which candy is vegan", stuff. of course i do find it interesting in small doses (i dont eat meat or drink milk)

Polls and Surveys is fun! i used to be their quite a lot

Sometimes I float or search in the Cats section and Crafts (for knitting).

Other sections can be boring. They ask like 8 new questions a day. R&P is the best by far. No contest.

-I begun in the Psych-Philsophy sections. Then I got tired of thinking so hard all of the time. It was too much

sarah - yes I remember those pre-sub-genre days! This is much better now I think.

cinnamon - aw thats so sad/cute. but i am glad you feel welcome here now!
2007-12-25 00:17:16 UTC
I have also been to the Religion & Spirituality section and I find that I'm at a big loss as to how answer those questions.

I've also checked out video games and found mostly it's about guitar hero 3 which i have no useful knowledge about.

And i've also checked out the card games which is mostly yu-gi-oh questions. I haven't played that in a long time and again have no real useful knowledge.

So I like to stick around here where I might actually be able to help someone :)
Koumidiator WRW VLR OS
2007-12-25 08:47:30 UTC
Honestly speaking i am not regular in lots of sections...only in Wrestling one..

I barely visit the soccer one but it's not that big..

The poll and surveys is fun sometimes

Singles and dating..i am using it only when one of my contacts asks something and i feel that i can help..

and rarely the rock and pop..i have answered some Qs and asked one...

My awesome friend Darth is damn right.You can't have an opinion without get reported or at least get bashed but well it seemed like people don't know much abou respect anyways...

2007-12-25 00:52:23 UTC
Vegans & Vegetarians- You can't go 1 day without someone asking, "Do vegetarians eat animal crackers," or having someone ask a slaughter related question to get the hardcore vegans angry.

Polls & Surveys- Perfect place to go if you can't fall asleep or are bored to death. You see the craziest questions there.

Diet & Fitness- Everybody there wants to know how to lose 10lb in a week.

Science & Mathematics- Very confusing.

And thank you! Happy holidays to everyone.
2007-12-25 07:32:26 UTC
i like this area a lot because everyone is friendly and helpful. when i go to another section, people as dumb questions and they answer mean. i have visited celebrity's as you said and there was alot of jamie Lyn spears and miley cyrus. i just get annoyed when i got to other areas.
2007-12-25 09:56:28 UTC
I really only go to Wrestling.. and somtimes the p&s but thats really it.. I dont know most of the people in the other section so its weird i guess... Ohand Merry Christmas!!
Your Uncle Dodge!
2007-12-25 01:09:01 UTC
Don't forget the "Big Town" categories (Las Vegas, Dallas, etc.) where everybody wants a cheap hotel; the "Homework" category where every kid dumps their questions and don't learn anything, and the Country music category where all the idiots post their A7X, Filipino, Arabic and other ethnic questions.
Mizz SJG
2007-12-25 06:05:12 UTC
I'm a top contributor for the Cooking and Recipes section...I LOVE FOOD!...I'm a metal chick with a desire to munch on delectable dishes....yum.
david w
2007-12-25 04:33:47 UTC
the religious folks hateful? shocking. basically sports and music is where i hang out. i check out other areas once in awhile. generally, couldn't care less about celebrities. they're rich and famous. good for them.
2007-12-25 00:31:17 UTC
i like to visit:

rap and hip hop

other music

polls and surveys

philosophy-you get a lot of "what is the meaning of life"


singles and dating

rocket queen
2007-12-25 05:02:30 UTC
I feel like I'm visting a foreign country, all touristy and everything.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.