Pearl and Roland are excellent brands, and you can find some really affordable ones, although these 2 are mostly the most expensive. I started out with a GroovePercusion, really good if your starting. It has everything you need ( 5 peice drumset). You should stay away from Penny brand btw. They are the cheapest, but the sound you get from them is what you pay, crap.
You can build your own. It will be more, but it will also sound better. Get zilijin and sabien cymbles, pearl heads, and remember what wood your getting. Ask the clerk to help you on picking wood choices, they play a huge role in sound. Just remember: Thinner drum shells resonate easier, genneraly lead to a crisp, open sound, like Premier Genista drums.
Thicker drum shells have a dry sound, like YAMAHA drums.
Drums with counter loops have a warm sound, like the DW series.
Drums with no counter loop have a crisp, higer frequency sound.
Also, whatever wood you get ussualy reflects on the cost. Maple being expensive, whiel having a warmer sound.
In my opinion, you can get a good drumset for a resonable price, but, I would let your ears do the picking, instead of your money.
Hope this helps.