Comparison: The Beatles and Jonas Brothers.?
2009-12-02 20:37:55 UTC
I have a few rules to this:
1. You can only make comparison through music and impact n their recent years. By this, I mean don't use the Beatles overall impact as an advantage. As sad as it is for me to say, The Beatles DID start out like the dreadful Jonas Brothers. So,if you want to use impact, only provide the Beatles during their first four or five years (Im trying to be fair and not seem ignorant here, OK?)
2: You can't use their looks as an advantage.
Fourteen answers:
2009-12-02 20:43:08 UTC
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David V
2009-12-02 21:52:26 UTC
Why you are comparing the to, I don't know, one thing they have nothing in common, The Beatles came out before video and mass marking took place and these two things are what made the Jonas Brother's so popular, not their talent, but how they were show cased to the young. As the Beatles were just a bunch of English kids who got together over music, and enjoyed working and writing together, and brought us a style of music that was unknown to most of us young kids at the time. We did not hear about them through video, and even on tv, is was just a few times, plus they were not on tv more than any other band at the time. They become popular from their sound only and most if not all of that came to us by radio. And they were one of the best things that ever happened to music at the time. And they did their way. For the Jonas Brothers I'm not going to put them down, why? for one reason only, you am I to judge. There are lots of people out there who like and love them I suppose. But I'm not one of them. And the reason for that, is they have not shown me anything that would make me look up to them as far as music is concerned. With out all the hype given them by the media, and Disney, they would just be another band trying to make it with the big boys, and not getting to far on their music alone. I don't hate the Jonas, and I don't even like putting them down, I'm not here to hurt anyone's feelings, but just to give the simple fact's, as the Beatles will always be one of a kind, were the Jonas may be midstream artist at this time in their life. And this is comin from some one who is not a fan of the Beatles in fact I'm a Stones fan, and it's our God Given Right To Hate The Beatles, or that is what we used to think back in the day. But hey you can't argue with what the Beatles have done whether it be in their days of starting out or when they did hit the big time. And this is from a Stones Fan who says, Rock On Beatles Fans, and you Jona fans, just keep on believing.

take care

2009-12-02 21:08:11 UTC
Comparing the Beatles to the Jonas brothers is like comparing mexican food to astrology.

The beatles were original, revolutionized the way people listen to music and are the ones who started the whole groupie/superfan insanity. That was in the first several years.

The beatles also appealed to more than just 15 year old virgins.

And they made music that was relatively new to people.

the jonas brothers are the Hansen brothers of the decade. They are more talented than most of us, but that doesn't mean they can even compare to the legacy the beatles left behind.
2009-12-02 20:43:07 UTC
The Beatles did have something that was totally different at the time when they first came out. They were the most successful pop group of their time, and in my opinion, people went a lot crazier for them than kids are now for the Jonas Brothers. (ex: Beatlemania) I think that the Jonas Brothers' music isn't going to stand the test of time like The Beatles' music has and will continue to do.
2009-12-02 21:19:46 UTC
Beatles lasted longer. Waaaay longer. I heard the Jonas Brothers are breaking up. YAY!

Also, The Beatles never sounded like how the Jonas Brothers sound. When the Jonas Brothers sing, they sound like they are in pain, or they fell on the floor and decided to sing. Beatles are NOT annoying and never stumbled on the floor. Long live Beatles. :)
Honorary Walrus
2009-12-02 21:03:03 UTC
Music and Impact......

The Jonas Brothers total sales of all their Albums is over shadowed by just one Beatles Album...

The Jonas Brothers Discography (8 Million)

Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (32 Million)

No another stats are needed...
2009-12-02 20:50:02 UTC
The reason The Beatles became so great is because they hated playing live shows. So they stayed in the studio and started messing around with things that couldn't be done live, pretty much inventing the studio album. Had The Beatles never done this, they would not be as respected as they are today. Granted, they were popular before all of this, but their studio years are truly what made them legends. The Jonas Brothers are dolts and I see no chance of them doing anything like The Beatles did.
Colin Wholigan
2009-12-03 12:30:40 UTC
for the 1st 2 albums and the 1st half of a hard day's night perhaps,however from the second half of a hard day's night till revolver no.i'll put it to you like this:listen to songs like "you can't do that"and "i'll be back",or "i'll cry instead"from side 2 of a hard day's night and then tell me they were still like the jonas brothers at this point?or look at the cover of beatles for sale and listen to songs like "i'm a loser","baby's in black(a song about a girl who won't stop mourning over the death of a loved one)","i don't want to spoil the party",or "no reply"and then tell me the beatles were still like the jonas brothers at that point.then there's help,look at the lyrics of the title track,or listen to songs like"ticket to ride","yesterday","yes it is",or "you're gonna lose that girl"(which i consider to be the evil twin of "she loves you")and then try saying that the beatles were still like the jonas brothers at that point.then there's rubber soul,look at the cover for that album and listen to the entire album and then tell me that the beatles were still like the jonas brothers at that point.finally,revolver,again look at the cover for that album and listen to it and then try telling me that the beatles were still like the jonas brothers?on the whole i'll say this:the beatles had some things in common with the jonas brothers in that they were young,good looking,had girls go nuts for them,and even paul mccartney admitted that the early songs were aimed directly at teenagers much as the songs of the jonas brothers are.however,that's where the similarities see even in the early days,the beatles(john in particular)bristled against that image and did whatever they could to break free from it.i mean you look at the jonas brothers and there's not much difference between what they were then and what they are ever if you look at what the beatles were in their music and image in 1963 and compare that to how the beatles were in their music and image around 1966-1967 and you'll see a huge chasm there,in fact the 66-67 beatles would probably look at the 1963 beatles and say "who the hell are these guys?",which in actuality was the point of the album cover of the original get back,was to show just how much the beatles had changed both in image and sound in just a few short years.i apologize for being longwinded,its just i get really passionate about the beatles.the beatles "jonas brothers" period formally died with revolver,sgt.pepper was just the final shovelfuls of dirt on the coffin.i think the true beginning of the beatles maturity came when they stopped writing songs for teenagers and both started writing songs for their own age group(those in their 20's)and began depicting the characters in those songs as human being with the faults and foibles we all have.

2009-12-02 21:57:19 UTC
The to the Jonas Brothers.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit.

I also feel bad for the jonas fan that comes in here and decides to open her mouth on the matter LOL..
Dj FuZioN
2009-12-02 20:49:58 UTC
Dude how can you compare The Beatles to Jonas Fag Brothers?

The Beatles was and still is awesome!

The Jonas Fag Brothers are and always will be Gay!
2009-12-03 17:33:29 UTC
You can't compare the beatles and the jonas brothers. The jonas brothers are dumb, and don't compare to the beatles.
2009-12-05 20:54:02 UTC
The Beatles tried to improve their music since they started to be a band.

They never asked Disney to promote them.

It was their manager Brian Epstein who encouraged them to improve their manners and their image.

The Beatlemannia started after some Nº1 hits.

I don't see any similarity between both bands.
Matt H
2009-12-02 20:54:34 UTC
the Beatles wrote their own songs.

really really good ones.
2009-12-02 20:50:00 UTC

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