What Are Your Favorite Movie Scenes Of All Time?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What Are Your Favorite Movie Scenes Of All Time?
Sixteen answers:
2016-04-09 13:52:20 UTC
The Stand. Why= because I can see this happening in reality. Favorite scene= The Last one where the Defeat is Obvious and Humanity continues to go on.
2008-03-20 09:44:32 UTC
I've definitely got to agree on "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." That series is one of the greatest I've ever seen.

Another Eastwood reference. The scene in Dirty Harry (although it's quoted ad nauseum)...

I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

"The Boondock Saints" - the courtroom scene at the end of the film when they dispense justice!

"Fast Times at Ridgemont High" - the scene at All American Burger when the angry customer is complaining about his breakfast and Judge Reinhold loses it: "Mister, if you don't shut up I'm gonna kick 100% of your ***!"

"Young Frankenstein" - the 'Puttin on the Ritz' scene. "Super-Duper!"

"High Noon" - every time Gary Cooper glances at the hands on the clock, waiting for Noon.

"Mallrats" - Jay and Silent Bob scheming to bring down the stage... Batman suit and all.

"Halloween" (the original) - The opening scene when a young Michael murders Judith.

"Army of Darkness" - Windmill scene as Ash starts losing it. Excellent Three Stooges references! Actually, the entire film is chock full of great scenes.

"First Blood" - The entire movie is great, but the speech Rambo gives at the end as he breaks down is brilliant. "It's never over!" etc.

So many more...



"It's a Wonderful Life" - George Bailey running through the streets of Bedford Falls yelling 'Merry Christmas' to everyone... especially to the fat-cats at the bank.

"Casablanca" - 'Of all the gin joints in the world, why'd you have to wander into mine?' etc

"Raiders of the Lost Ark" - the first 10 mintes "Start the plane! Start the Plane!"
2008-03-20 14:42:20 UTC
When the Dallas does the emergency blow and torpedoes up out of the water causing the Russian crew members to say that their Captain scared them out of the water. (The Hunt For Red October)

When Janet faints at the first glance of Dr. Frank N. Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

When Neo is going to rescue Morpheus and is walking in the lobby shooting it up. (The Matrix)

The raising of the ghost army. (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
2008-03-20 09:27:33 UTC
The ending of every Rocky movie - there's always such a feeling of triumph

The end of Shawshank Redemption - when Red goes to find what Andy left for him, then goes and finds Andy and Andy is on the beach on his boat, he sees Red and stands up, the camera pans away as they embrace. LOVE IT!!

The end of Ghosts of Mississippi when De La Beckwith is convicted for the murder of Medgar Evers and Whoopi Goldberg, playing his wife, shouts something like "It was a long time comeing Medgar, but we did it!"
bob s
2008-03-20 09:18:12 UTC
The 'Tiny Dancer' scene in Almost Famous

The 'I am the Walrus' scene in Across the Universe

Samual L Jackson doing the 'and I will strike down upon thee with great vengence...' speech in Pulp Fiction

The carnival in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

ALL of Natural Born Killers!
2008-03-20 09:13:26 UTC
in scarface where tony montana is on his fall from grace and he has a pile of coke on his table and he just puts his whole face in it and snorts it - what a top film with many great scenes. another good film is stroezk - particulrly where bruno s ealises his home is being taken away and hes stands outside and you listen to the cattle farmers and their 'ranch speak' - bah! you need to watch it to know what i mean
2008-03-20 09:08:57 UTC
(Spoiler warning)

Most people don't realize that Knockin' On Heaven's Door was made for that movie. The song makes the's just perfect.
Johnny Rocker 89
2008-03-20 09:21:00 UTC
John Carpenter The Thing (1982)- Kurt Russell plays R.J. McReady and uses a test to find out who's The Thing.

Predator 2- Danny Glover and Predator (Kevin Peter Hall) fight on his spaceship.

Full Metal Jacket- They beat the fat guy with soap.

Die Hard- Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman going at it.

The Goodfellas- Joe Pesci walks in the house after thinking things are going according to plan. Um...not exactly.

Aliens- Sigourney Weaver and the Alien Queen go head-to-head combat.

The Godfather 3- Al Pacinos cry after loosing his daughter is enough to make a tough drunken Irishmen cry and make the hair stand up on his back.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King- Final battle!!
2008-03-20 09:05:50 UTC
John Malovich telling Clint Eastwood he's only alive because he allowed him to be so show him some goddamn respect - In The Line of Fire - I love Malkovich and he makes a great villian

Kevin Spacey revealing to Brad Pitt that his wife was dead - Seven - Spacey, too, is a great villian

Annakin killing Samuel L Jackson in front of the emperor - Revenge of the Sith - that was intense.

The gunfight scene that lasted for 15 minutes in the middle of the movie "Heat" - pure intensity

when the third member of the fight club tells Jared Leto that he's too f*cking....BLONDE was awesome.
2008-03-20 12:08:35 UTC
Good Call on the Good, The and The Ugly!!

I have the restored cut... I love it.

Also the part where the capt in dying of Gang Green and Angels eyes tells him "I wish you luck" is kinda hard also.

Those 3 staring at each other... while the music of the watch plays.... it's pretty serious viewing! (rock on!!)

Also.. You know me (I tell it.. AS IS) The battle of Guiford Court House... It hits VERY close to home! (I'm 41) my dad would take us to these sites (my brother and I) and try to educate us about the things that happened in our area...

Less than 90 miles from home.. I still get choked up when I think about it!

(still get the apple in the throat on the place his son (older) was killed and then, when he tell tells the head of the Rangoon.. "Before this war is over, I'm going to kill you...")

Sorry If this NEXT one is sappy.. But IN the movie Independence Day, I get all choked up when the Pres, tells them that the 4th of July will NO longer be just a "American" holiday, but when the world spoke out as one.. We will NOT parish, we will NOT fade into the night... yadda yadda yadda, it still chokes me up after all this time!

The Flying Monkey and Witch destroyed scene in Wizard Of Oz... I'm still scared, don't ask me why, but I love it.

The Monkey getting shot up in all 3 king kong movies...

The last one LOOKED more real.. it still make me sad but i can't stop watching it.

The "ending" of Easy Rider, hits too close to home.

** The Killing the Bartender scene in Shawn Of the Dead, cracks me up.

** the Ending of the Omega Man, All that work for nothing!

** Planet of the apes (heston rides out the beach and sees the statue of liberty, as a kid and all those bomb drills, SCARRRRY!

**Soylent Green, when he finds out (we understand as viewers) Hey, wait a sec.. we're eating each other because there's no food to eat... Still freaks me out.

**The 10 commandments, When moses goes to the king of egypt and lays out what going to happen if he don't "let the people go" and then "the plauges that fell upon egypt!" and lastly when the Egyptian army dares to cross the sea to capture them,.. and then the sea crashes back in on the army... Scary as a kid!

** The Hill Sean Connery as one of the prisioners that have to march up that hill.. up and down... up and down.

** Scared Straight (all the movie, my dad MADE me watch it.. I still am scared!)

** and yeah the ending of the indiana Jones movie where the nazi shoots the dad and he has the map his way to the "cups" and guess which one belonged to you know who...

Tattooed White Trash
2008-03-20 10:33:24 UTC
1. The whole breaking out of prison scene in Natural Born Killers.

2. The shootout betweeen the cops, the mobsters, Clarance and Alabama at the end of True Romance. I like how there were feathers floating through the air. The most beautiful gun fight in a movie for sure.

3. The fight on top of the roof at the end of Ichi the Killer.

4. The scene in The Boondock Saints where Connor jumps off the roof and kills the Russian mobster with the toilet.

5. The scene in legend with the dancing black dress.
2008-03-20 16:00:56 UTC
The last 5 minutes of It's a Wonderful Life( I cry every time).Trading Places when Randolph starts getting ill and Mortimer says F*** him,turn those machines back on !!!When Bruce Willis realizes he's a ghost-6th Sense.When John Travolta buys the farm in Pulp Fiction.When Quint dies in Jaws.When the Terminator finally dies.The end of Gladiator.
2008-03-21 00:19:37 UTC
- the "battle of wits" scene in The Princess Bride, where Westley and Vizini much each drink from one of the goblets. So funny, and one of my favorite movies.

- the Paris flashback sequence in Casablanca. Perhaps my favorite movie of all time, and a great part.

- the last scene of Cinema Paradiso when the main character is watching the film his friend left him (character names escape me at the moment) of all the kisses that were cut from the movies over the years.

- Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn searching for the leopard Baby in the woods in Bringing Up Baby. Such a funny movie.

- the scene when Lucas finally shows up at the store and Joe asks him where the previous night's money has gone in Empire Records. That movie always makes me happy, and there are a lot of great lines in that scene.

- the first time we meet Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back. It always makes me laugh.
2008-03-20 10:29:45 UTC
Anthony Quinn in the "Guns of Navarone" on his knees pleading as a guise with the Germans.

The kid in "Shane' saying the words "Shane come back Shane" as Allan Ladd rides away into the mountains.

Omar Sheriff waving to Lara in "Dr Zhivago" when she rides away to the haunting tune of "Laras theme"

Anthony Quinn once again in "Zorba the Greek" doing that Greek dance

And also "Madness Madness" from Bridge on the River Kwai" which you had mentioned
2008-03-20 09:18:27 UTC
The last 15 minutes of 'Scent of a Woman' when Pacino saves Charlie from expulsion at his boarding school is one of the greatest oratories I've ever seen. HOO - AAH

The final scene in The Warriors where Swan is looking down the barrel of a gun and takes the switchblade out of his belt and hits his accuser in the wrist is very exciting.

The final scene in Broken Arrow where the nuke hits Travolta square in the chest. Travolta plays an awesome villian in this movie.

The final 10 minutes of Detroit Rock City. The nightmare those kids went through to make it to the greatest rock stage show ever produced is amazing.

The final scene in Tombstone where it appears Doc is on his deathbed and useless. Out of nowhere he shows up and.... I'll be your huckleberry.
2008-03-20 10:01:39 UTC
The Ring, the dead girl in the closet.

Saw 3, the guy ripping the hooks out of his ankles

Silent Hill, the nurses in the hallway and the end scene in the church

Finding Nemo, when he meets the kids at school and the fish says "I'm Obnoxious"

Dirty Dancing, the dance

Neverending Story, when he meets the luck dragon

The Wizard of Oz, meeting Glinda, the castle guards singing, the witch melting

All of all 3 Pirates movies

All of Edward Scissorhands

sooo many more I can't think of

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.