Good Call on the Good, The and The Ugly!!
I have the restored cut... I love it.
Also the part where the capt in dying of Gang Green and Angels eyes tells him "I wish you luck" is kinda hard also.
Those 3 staring at each other... while the music of the watch plays.... it's pretty serious viewing! (rock on!!)
Also.. You know me (I tell it.. AS IS) The battle of Guiford Court House... It hits VERY close to home! (I'm 41) my dad would take us to these sites (my brother and I) and try to educate us about the things that happened in our area...
Less than 90 miles from home.. I still get choked up when I think about it!
(still get the apple in the throat on the place his son (older) was killed and then, when he tell tells the head of the Rangoon.. "Before this war is over, I'm going to kill you...")
Sorry If this NEXT one is sappy.. But IN the movie Independence Day, I get all choked up when the Pres, tells them that the 4th of July will NO longer be just a "American" holiday, but when the world spoke out as one.. We will NOT parish, we will NOT fade into the night... yadda yadda yadda, it still chokes me up after all this time!
The Flying Monkey and Witch destroyed scene in Wizard Of Oz... I'm still scared, don't ask me why, but I love it.
The Monkey getting shot up in all 3 king kong movies...
The last one LOOKED more real.. it still make me sad but i can't stop watching it.
The "ending" of Easy Rider, hits too close to home.
** The Killing the Bartender scene in Shawn Of the Dead, cracks me up.
** the Ending of the Omega Man, All that work for nothing!
** Planet of the apes (heston rides out the beach and sees the statue of liberty, as a kid and all those bomb drills, SCARRRRY!
**Soylent Green, when he finds out (we understand as viewers) Hey, wait a sec.. we're eating each other because there's no food to eat... Still freaks me out.
**The 10 commandments, When moses goes to the king of egypt and lays out what going to happen if he don't "let the people go" and then "the plauges that fell upon egypt!" and lastly when the Egyptian army dares to cross the sea to capture them,.. and then the sea crashes back in on the army... Scary as a kid!
** The Hill Sean Connery as one of the prisioners that have to march up that hill.. up and down... up and down.
** Scared Straight (all the movie, my dad MADE me watch it.. I still am scared!)
** and yeah the ending of the indiana Jones movie where the nazi shoots the dad and he has the map his way to the "cups" and guess which one belonged to you know who...