1.Metallica-they haven't made a decent album in years, have lost their "metalness" and years ago claimed they would never make a video.
2.Ozzy-he also hasn't made a truly great album in years. The tv show made him look like a joke, and when he and his wife remastered his earlier albums replacing the bass and drums because they didn't want to pay former band members, I was done with Ozzy.
3-Motley Crue-they fired Vince Neil temporarily and hired John Corabi. That would have been okay but then they made a grunge sounding album and when fans rebelled suddenly decided to become "Crue" again.
4-KISS-they will do anything to make a dime off of people. Music quality comes last with them.
5)Aerosmith-They became a teenyboper band after being killer in the 70's. Seeing them perform one year at the Superbowl with Britney Trailer Park Trash Spears and N'Stink was the final straw for me.