Do kids collect bootlegs anymore?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do kids collect bootlegs anymore?
Ten answers:
Chantel :) [Peace Not Greed]
2009-11-24 19:35:58 UTC
Yeah I have some random bootlegs. You can just go to convience stores and ask for them and they take a box from under a counter. I went with my dad this one time and got some haha. It was pretty funny. I record some stuff sometimes but nothing major lol.
Trixie Delight
2009-11-24 21:03:44 UTC
Hey Jimmy Jazz, I used to buy stuff in the Bronx too, although it was never music.

It seems the kids I know like studio versions better than live stuff. I wonder why...
2009-11-24 20:06:06 UTC
This has been enlightening, I wasn't sure bootlegging even existed anymore.
2009-11-24 19:41:33 UTC
Yes, but now they're MP3s. =P

Props to The Black Keys and John Mayer for encouraging taping. Mayer even lists every gig, accompanied by links to download bootleg recordings, on his official site.
Honorary Walrus
2009-11-24 19:36:54 UTC
Other then what you have already mentioned (Youtube) there is Only one Friend I have and know of that collects Bootlegs these days..When on their Trips to Aisa, they come back with the most Unique and highly Illegal(I'm Assuming) Music/Non Music materials I have ever seen.....
Whats all this?!
2009-11-24 19:35:05 UTC
I'm 16 and I try to bootleg every show I go to.
2009-11-24 21:37:09 UTC
What's a bootleg?

haha just kidding.

I have tried with my digital camera and they just turned out really crappy, but I still kept them I mean I can't erase Chris Cornell.
Jimmy Jazz
2009-11-24 20:38:05 UTC
When I lived in the Bronx, there was this street you could go to and buy bootleg copies of damn near anything. For the most part it was just pirated studio albums but if you looked past the stuff in the front you could find live shows.

That stuff on youtube is maddeningly bad. The video I could care less about but when the audio is all jacked up I gotta wonder why people bother.
2009-11-24 19:35:10 UTC
Nah, too illegal.

Edit: What? It's true. Kids aren't particularly daring nowadays.
2009-11-24 20:15:50 UTC
sure, i started "collecting" grateful dead shows back in 1972, and still download soundboards from shows phil and bobby put up. it was never really hush hush....they always said, "this music is free". the internet has made it a lot easier to get those shows as opposed to the old days when you had to run into someone or send b & p to get a show. now there is a site with almost 7000 dead shows to stream and download.

there are still a lot of tapers out there...and their work is a lot better than some crappy show recorded on a phone.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.