2010-10-18 18:54:53 UTC
You are the fire on my apartment floor
Sixteen stories, I'd rather burn than fall
It isn't fate that took us all by storm
It's just the turn of a card
Goodbye old friend, goodnight!
I'll move on, I'll move on
You'll call it fate, I'll call it karma
We had our time, it was fun while it lasted
I'll look back with honor and no regrets now
I won't be mad, I won't feel bad
These memories will never leave me
Don't be sad cause life goes on, life goes on
It's getting too late, tomorrow is here'
MY LIFE summed up.
BQ. Am I a reg, a newbie, or some random annoying kid you want to kick out of this section?
BQ2. Don't you all love me?
BQ3. I'm not self-obsessed at all, am I?;)
BQ4. Dark chocolate is best.