Is Rancid true punk? I have heard from others that they arent,i really dont know?
2010-05-07 22:59:58 UTC
I at the beginning of listening punk rock,and I have heard from some people that Rancid aren't real punk.I like them,and i dont care what someone talks,but I would love to know.PS i dont listen to gay music like Green day and blink.
Twelve answers:
2010-05-11 17:08:56 UTC
In the 60's depression and recession plus war reined high, and thus punk then was angry or controversial - nobody talked about it because it was almost a taboo. But now that the image of punk has seeped into the mainstream and conditions are far more stable punk has gone soft as you might say. So because Rancid was created into a time of really no problems they may get slammed into the non-punk category.

I'm an avid fan of Rancid, listening to all their records, they have true intentions in their music to spread a message - they don't really sing about losing girlfriends and ****, but unity and poverty and violence - issues and motivations that are real.

I don't know if you're talking about their feel or just the music, cause true they do sound ska sometimes but,

Rancid is punk to me.
2016-10-30 09:08:36 UTC
Rancid Punk
Diet Cola
2010-05-07 23:03:52 UTC
Well...true Punk is almost always political in nature. Yes there is a certain type of sound, but true Punk bands will focus on subject matter that is political like war, poverty, and other important issues. Rancid doesn't necessarily sing about that kind of stuff. Their songs are usually about having fun or about pure nonsense although the sound is Punk. The Clash is a true Punk band. I would say that Rancid is more Pop Punk. They're still heaps better than Green Day though.
Bob S
2010-05-07 23:04:07 UTC
first of...nothing wrong with blink...they tear it up and will be engrained in my childhood memories forever. Rancid's earlier stuff was more "true punk," i'd say. Tim Armstrong came from operation ivy, who are more ska punk, but yea, I'd say rancid has true punk influence. Rancid's recent stuff is much more melodic than their earlier stuff, but it's still influenced by true punk artists. I like rancid's early 90s stuff the most, you should listen to some operation ivy too
2010-05-07 23:04:06 UTC
Because of their style I'd consider them to be more Ska than Punk. Some of their lyrics border on true punk, but their musical style marks them in the musical community as more Ska than Punk.
porch honky
2016-08-25 05:39:01 UTC
How's this for an answer? Yes and no. It is present day Punk. Nowadays bands like the Germs would be lucky to play the coffeehouse down the street. 1977 is never coming back, we adapt and survive...
Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death
2010-05-07 23:15:46 UTC
Who cares if punk is true or not? To be honest, the last true punk band was the Dickies.
2010-05-08 19:38:10 UTC
I'd say that they aren't ethically punk. Although their music has jumped from Ska to Hardcore.
2010-05-08 07:44:03 UTC
Hey, Green Day's not gay.

Both Rancid and them started out at Gilman fyi.
2010-05-11 14:28:42 UTC
Really, who gets to decide what's punk or not?
2010-05-07 23:59:46 UTC
True punk sounds like this. Notice the violent lyrics.
2010-05-07 23:02:33 UTC
True punk was thirty years ago, what's left are the derivatives

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