So basically you're saying that pop listeners are shallow morons, and that it's okay for them to like shltty music because they just want to see the pretty people shaking their butts...
and you're defending this?
As a person who DOES take music seriously, because it's an ARTFORM that has VALUE and shouldn't just be some piece of crap that you throw away, I'm against everything you said.
Well, actually, in a way you admitted that pop music is crap, so I don't disagree with that part.
Michael Jackson made catchy pop music, but it was art, and it's timeless, no-fukn-body will be listening to Justin Queefber in 30 years.
And no, music doesn't have to have a deep message, but what it should/must be, is honest artistic expression, pop artists can still do that, that's why I like Kimbra for example.
**Hugh J gave the best answer.