Yea, it's a been pretty slow year for me too, but my favorite album so far has to be Digital Veil by The Human Abstract. It was actually a surprise because I didn't expect it to be good and I really didn't like it too much at first because the metalcore vocals just weren't sitting right with me, and also the deathcore production was annoying, but after I was able to tolerate those two things it moved up to the top, because there is some pretty good music on the album. I also liked Omnivium.
There's also been a few other decent to good releases this year that I've heard, Iconoclast by Symphony X was good, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues by Between the Buried and Me was good, but it didn't keep my attention very long. Surfur Rising by Amon Amarth was pretty good, just not much that is truly great. The second half of the year looks way better though.
MQ2- Yea, there's several confirmed albums I'm looking forward to
Imaginarium- Nightwish
A Dramatic Turn of Events- Dream Theater
The Hunter- Mastodon
Five Serpent's Teeth- Evile
Th1rt3en- Megadeth
When Man and Machine Collide- Control Denied
Worship Music- Anthrax
Heritage- Opeth
Here's something for a laugh, scroll down to September on the release list and look at the second album.
Also check it out, in 1996 too.
I thought Hank Williams III was a neotraditional country artist turned "cowpunk." Silly Wikipedia...