Congrats and welcome. I've seen you around here before. :)
1. NEVER admit to liking MCR, the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, FOB, Green Day, Korn, Limp Bixkit, etc. etc. You will be laughed out of the section.
2. NEVER admit to liking pop on questions such as "What's better - rock or pop?". You will be thumbed down into oblivion.
3. If someone asks "Should rock and pop be seperated?", ALWAYS insult the person who asked it because there have been a thousand of the same question before. If s/he tells you to stop being mean, tell them to suck it up.
4. ALWAYS insult the Jonas Brothers and MCR at every chance you get. It doesn't matter if the joke is lame and overdone, people will laugh excessively and give you twenty thumbs up.
5. NEVER show more than a slight disinterest in Q's or A's that say your favorite bands suck, otherwise you will be labelled as "someone with no life who spends his/her time getting pissed at someone over the Internet. Probably lives in his/her parent's basement."
6. NEVER cross shreder. I'm warning you, don't do it.
7. NEVER tell me that today's music sucks.