Are my daughters musical interests (rock and metal) a concern?
2010-06-30 19:40:48 UTC
I have a 12 year old daughter who has always liked rock music, but recently she has become obsessed with listening to music and learning about various artists. She has started wearing different clothes (for example, jeans, cross necklaces, and black or blue t-shirts) and rejects any sort of pop culture idea, such as hip hop music and the Twilight saga. Strangest of all, though not necessarily bad, my daughter seems to be obsessed with 'self-expression' and 'tolerance', though she is still very opinionated. I'm wondering if this could be due to the type of music she listens to and if it is cause for worry.
Here is a list of the artists on her iPod:
Alice Cooper
The Beach Boys
The Beatles
Black Sabbath
Blind Guardian
Bon Jovi
Cheap Trick
Children of Bodom
Decyfer Down
Deep Purple
Dream Theatre
Dropkick Murphys
Gaelic Storm
George Thorogood and the Destroyers
The Georgia Satellites
Green Day
Holy Soldier
Iron Maiden
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Judas Priest
Leaves' Eyes
Led Zeppelin
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Molly Hatchet
Motley Crue
Ozzy Osbourne
Quiet Riot
Rhapsody of Fire
Rise Against
Sonata Arctica
Them Crooked Vultures
Three Days Grace
The Who
Within Temptation

Sorry the list is so long, but I am concerned. Thank you!
44 answers:
2010-06-30 19:54:32 UTC
I'd like to think that you are trolling and this is some kind of goof on everybody. But I'm quite afraid that you are not and this is serious.

You can't have kids showing tolerance and self expression. I mean, what's next? Questioning authority? She doesn't like "Twilight" and Hip-Hop? The HORRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I hope she at least loves Miley and Taylor. We don't want her to go off the deep end now.

She likes YES and U2? And the BEACH BOYS? Sounds to me as if you have a real problem on your hands. Is it too late to sign up for bible camp this summer?

All seriousness aside, the real issue here is what are you doing in her iPod snooping around her music list? Your daughter sounds like a pretty intelligent and inquisitive child. Qualities most parents would embrace. I don't think she would appreciate having her privacy invaded. However, if she starts putting fringes on her jeans, get back to us right away.
2010-06-30 20:00:12 UTC
No, not at all. And by the way, Green Day is mainstream. And nothing unusual about jeans and black/blue shirts, look around, most people are wearing these.

You should feel lucky to have a daughter that is strong enough to be herself and not just let herself be pushed by the norm. Such strong people are not common enough these days, and should be valued.

One thing people like this often have trouble with though, is respecting the opinions of others. If she has issues with letting other people have their pop culture music, then it would do her good to let her know that without a mainstream, there would be no underground.

Rock and metal music are great too, and often carry much deeper meanings that the often vapid and shallow messages that rap and hip hop has.

The Twilight saga, also, is one of those books that many mothers wish their daughter wouldn't read because it fills the head with an overpowering fantasy of a type of love that does not really exist, and can prevent people from finding practical romances, since their expectations are of an Edward/Bella thing, which they aren't going to find.

One thing that should never be done, though, is try to change your daughter into someone you would define as more ideal or less worrisome. Having to be someone you aren't is really a very painful thing for anyone, especially people with a very strong sense of themselves. I would even go as far to say that for some people, this can be almost torturous.

I could go on and on about this, but I think that's good for now.
♥ paul and george ♥
2010-07-01 13:01:00 UTC
first of all, aerosmith, beach boys, beatles,U2, and queen are deffentintly NOT heavy metal. I can see where you are going with this, if this was me, my parents would probably be very concerned too. At least she is being an individual. Pop music today forces everyone to be the same. and you should be very happy that she isn't obbessed with twilight, twilight obsessed kids are scary, she would make you sleep outside the nokia theater for 3 days just to get a glimpse at robert pattinson or taylor lautner at the eclipse premiere, so you freed your self from that. When i really got into Aerosmith, my parents had a long lechture with me and it wasnt fun. It made me want to rebel even more. in my mind, if they at least allowed it, i wouldn't be as obsessed at the time. but the more they prohibbited it the more i wanted it (the music). Today, i am definitly not as obssessd but i used what i learned from Aerosmith as a lesson. Even though i would never take drugs, Aerosmith shows an example of that. After they were swept clean, they were able to convince people that drugs are not the way. Anyways, maybe you should have a little talk with your daughter, dont scare her, it wont work, and dont lecture her, but get to know the reason she changed or something like that.
2010-06-30 20:58:08 UTC
Personally, i think her taste in music is awesome. One thing you can try is maybe asking her what it is she likes about these artists (if someone else has suggested it, im sorry but i didn't have time to read the whole list of answers). Dont be afraid to pry A LITTLE BIT - i needed it sometimes... ask her how it makes her feel when she listens to these artists, also try comparing it to some genres that you are particularly interested in. Another way you can find out if it isof concern is by taking a look at the lyrics... most of them can probably be found at (not all dark lyrics, it is a rock/metal lyric site). Some of these artists are Christian ( I know this because I am a Christian and i listen to some Christian artists), some are VERY non-Christian. Try listening to some of the songs yourself, and explain to your daughter how it makes you feel when you listen to it. If she likes the above artists, I would suggest:


Living Sacrifice


Breaking Benjamin

John Petrucci (Dream Theater guitarist)

Jodan Rudess (Dream Theater keyboardist)

Killswitch Engage

and thats all i can really suggest. Good luck!

P.S. - Ignore all the ignorant comments that are saying you're being overprotective, insane, etc. - She's 12. You're doing good. You care about your daughter. You are already doing a lot more than the father of most of your daughter's friends anyways. Keep up the good work. Just don't try to stop her from listening to this type of music, some of it is doing her good. If you find there are some artists you dont want her listeningto, you can try to look up some of these artists on to listen to some similar artists that may be more age appropriate. Slayer may be an artist that you want to look out for, and Children of Bodom - you may want to steer her clear of them as well.

Again, good luck!
2016-02-22 06:34:16 UTC
Holy Soldier

Iron Maiden

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

Judas Priest


Leaves' Eyes

Led Zeppelin

Lynyrd Skynyrd



Molly Hatchet

Motley Crue




Ozzy Osbourne

2010-07-01 04:09:26 UTC
What a good musical taste and she's only 12! If she continues listening to music like this, it is probable she gets interested in arts or playing an instrument, that would be great. Normaly Rock and Heavy Metal are genres that stimulate the teenagers to discover their own art related skills and improve them; also it helps to young people to formulate themselves an own idea or vision about what life is, it gives them an more reflexive way of thinking. And it doesn't matter if she likes to wear black clothes, boots, cross necklaces, etc... that's just a detail. The important thing is she knows what she wants and that is a big step in her life. A lot of the artists in the list, like Dream Theater, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, Rush and Yes have very interesting lyrics about science fiction, human emotions, philosophy, etc... Others like Blind Guardian, Hammerfall and Rhapsody of Fire tell epic stories in their songs and teach us how we never have to give up fighting for what we want.

See you!
2010-06-30 20:02:24 UTC
Wow, she actually has really good tastes for someone so young! I wouldn't be concerned about her music taste at all. Sure, some of the rock is "rebellious", but that's a common ingredient found in a lot of rock and roll music--past and present. She's young and probably just going through emotional changes like every girl and boy goes through while growing up. You, too, I'm sure, went through many emotional changes and phases while growing up, though your changes might have been slightly different. From clothes and styles, to friends, to hobbies-- everybody goes through them. It's how we all figure out who we really are and that might be what she is doing. Instead of thinking of this as a negative thing, embrace her and who she is as a person. Take a positive interest in her and be happy that she's trying to find her inner self, not to mention take an interest in something.

I, like your daughter, liked this sort of music at her age and never did it have a negative affect on me or my future. I liked the music. It made things happening in my life make sense. Music can be very soothing, whether it be a waltz played by a symphony to a metal band screaming their lungs out. Some music might not seem too "wholesome" or "peaceful", but it helps one release certain emotions and feelings inside which can be a good thing. It's just music and I'm sure she's a great girl and will continue to be.

On another note, not liking rap or Twilight isn't a bad thing. In fact, it shows that she can make her own decisions, which is independence. Independence is usually taken as "rebellion" to many parents and you need to tell the difference-- which I know is hard at times seeing as there is a fine line between them. As far as style goes, I didn't read anything that suggested she dresses "scary" or inappropriate. Many people dress that way and wear those colors on a daily basis. Rap, on the other hand, can have negative lyrics that are sexually suggestive and violent--so, her not listening to rap shouldn't be taken negatively. She's not swayed by cultural phenomenon's and can think for herself. She demonstrates personal strength by not "jumping on the bandwagon" and from what you've described, she seems to be a normal and intelligent teen who has matured wonderfully.

There is nothing wrong with "being different" or "not the norm". Being different does not mean "being a bad person". Take pride that your daughter is independent. Though she might not ever say it, your acceptance of her as a person means the world to her and you need to show her that. Acceptance communicates love and understanding, which is what you need to do on your part and show her.

In conclusion, snooping on your daughter will most likely cause tension between you two which is definitely not a good step in the right direction for your relationship with her. If you let her be independent and show some trust in her, she will most likely respect you more and your relationship will be healthier as a whole.
2010-06-30 19:49:30 UTC
I wouldn't be too concerned about her preference of style in music. Taking a look at that list she still has a fairly wide range of rock-metal so I think it's safe to say she has a good taste of music. I mean Dropkick Murphys is music about having a good time and being and having a Irish influence background. Then theirs Ozzy which is classic by any means and downright awesome. Now if the whole list was all 1 type of rock/metal I'd be a little more suspicious or curious as to why but shouldn't be a problem for this scenario.
2010-06-30 19:58:07 UTC
why the hell should you be concerned, just because she doesn't like hip hop or isn't into twilight and shes is into rock music. Rap and hip hop can be just as bad, some of the lyrics in rap or hip hop degrades women, and look at the song Rude Boy by Rhiana, the lyrics in that song are just as weird or innapropiate as a rock song can be. But if you were to put a rock beat behind that then it would become "evil". Hip Hop music is just sugar coated because kids are into it and its main streamed. You have nothing to be concerned about. And im not saying all rock is good, but it can be just as bad as any other music.
Death 06 『Foreign Music Enthusiast』
2010-06-30 20:00:38 UTC
^Oh my...I apologize for the answers you've received.

^When I said that, there were only two answers before me O.o

I don't think there's anything you need to be concerned about, though. From what I'm hearing, and it's just my opinion, your daughter is just figuring out who she is. She's listening to different types of music and it's possible she's being influenced by what she's listening too, but if so it's not a negative thing. I actually went through a similar phase when I was in middle school. That's when I actually started to listen to music and my library was very small so I did enjoy discovering new music and listening to different types. It wasn't really until tenth grade though that I actually listened to some of the bands your daughter is listening to, so kudos to her. Now as far as her rejecting "pop culture" I don't know what that's all about, but I'd hardly consider hip hop and Twilight the definition of pop culture. She could be trying to be different, and if so you should tell her to just be herself.

If you're actually concerned about what she's listening to as far as music goes, you should try listening to some of those bands. I don't like that many of your daughters bands, but I see a few things I love. You should listen to them to get an idea...

Within Temptation



Leaves Eyes


2010-06-30 19:51:46 UTC
i don't really understand why you're concerned in the first place. there's nothing wrong with being independent or making your own choices, and there's definitely nothing wrong with straying from the norm. are you worried that people won't accept her new image? are you worried that she's rejecting whatever religion she's grown up in, or that in choosing to listen to metal and rock, she holds the same beliefs as those bands?

the likelihood is that there's nothing to worry about. the most likely reasons she's dressing differently or listening to a different kind of music are a) she's a teenager and in the process of discovering who she is and what she wants to be, b) the people she has chosen as friends listen to this genre and dress in this fashion, and she wants to fit in, or c) she just likes it.

maybe you should sit down with her and ask her why this change has taken place. it's far better to have her think you're slightly uncool for a couple of days because you're concerned about her than it is to have her think you're controlling her and who she wants to be, or that you don't understand her and perceive this change in her as bad. it may also help you look at things in a different light.

in conclusion, i absolutely don't think there is an issue with your daughter changing, especially at this age. it could be a phase; in junior high i listened to country and dressed accordingly, and by high school i was more interested in rock. i wouldn't sweat it. just talk with her, no matter how uncomfortable you might be at first. i think you'll both be able to come to a liveable agreement if you do, and there won't be the animosity from your daughter that will come (and trust me, it will) if you keep snooping around her ipod without talking to her.
Dave LaBuda
2010-07-01 09:11:04 UTC
I have a 14 year old granddaughter who changed drastically from a very girly girl to a much more dark, almost gothic or what is known today as Emo in her dress and the people she hung out with but, now she seems to be shifting back in another direction. Girls from 12 to 14 are, as I'm sure you know, going through hormone changes and feeling feelings and desires that they have never really felt before and they are trying to figure out all of this stuff with the help of who? Their close friends who are all experiencing the same things because they are probably embarrassed or afraid to talk to their parents about it. I think it has more to do with her piers and what they think and how much she wants to liked by them then it has to do with any of the music on her play list. I also have a 15 year old grandson who plays the guitar and is primarily interested in Death Metal. Now, if you've ever heard any Death Metal songs, you might immediately become concerned but, my grandson is basically a pretty good kid with solid built in values who works as a life guard and pretty much gets straight A's in school so, I think it's more of the teenage pier pressure thing that we all go through at that age.

I was more fortunate when I was that age. I could care less about what my schoolmates thought of me. I was a complete nonconformist. If it was considered cool by most of my peirs to smoke (which it was back then) I wanted nothing to do with it. I played the guitar too and spent most of my time out of school working part-time and practicing the guitar. I was also very interested in baseball back then too. I had few friends and I influenced them more than they influenced me.

The best thing you can do is to give her some freedom and try to maintain a close relationship with her so that she will feel safe confiding in you when her friends are not able to provide the answers she needs. That is one thing that has helped my granddaughter. He mom (my daughter) and her have a very close relationship built on a love and trust and even thought there are many things that she does not care to share with her mom, she is pretty good about trying and then giving up the things that do not really feel right for the girl she really wants to be. After wearing black and way too much eye makeup for over a year, she is finally deciding that perhaps she does look and feel better in other colors and that less eye makeup really does get the boys to pay more attention to her. She's adjusting and I'm sure your girl will turn out fine too she's just at that experimental age influenced primarily by pier pressure and she'll soon figure out who she is and you'll be amazed at what the final package becomes. Just love her, give here a little freedom to make choices, and let her know that you trust her and that she can trust you. Talk to her about her experiences and interests and try to see things from her perspective. But, I'm sure it has little or nothing to do with any of the music.
2010-06-30 19:59:55 UTC
No you shouldn't be worried. I find that around the age of 12 kids seem to come out of their shell. they start to think for themselves more and find different things they like. Some kids don't want to be in the in crowd and they want to be different. I started to get like that as well around that age. Listened to about the same music. Let her express herself and let her be herself. Don't make her be who you want her to be because she will resent you for the rest of your life... Because that's what my parents did... And I agree with everyone else. Be happy she listens to GOOD music. Rap is oh so much worse. Would you rather have your daughter listen to songs about life, songs she can express her feelings with that actually makes sense or songs about sex, drugs, beating women, raping women, gang fights, guns, ect? Hey, shes your kid, you decide. But if I had a 12 year old daughter. I'd rather her listen to rock & roll then that rap bullshit.
2010-06-30 19:50:16 UTC
Do you know what Apocalyptica is? a cello quartet. They are a swedish cello band. and The Beatles? BEST BAND EVER with a message of peace, love, and unity. your daughter has great taste in music. you have nothing to worry about. the fact that your daughter is expressing herself and doing her own thing, like her "tolerance" attitude and dislike for Twilight, is wonderful. support her, don't judge her.
2010-06-30 20:19:57 UTC
your daughter's taste in music is FANTASTIC. from what you're saying, she seems very mature for a 12 year old. as long as she's not getting in trouble, acting out or anything like that, I wouldn't be worried.

just because she is listens to rock or metal does not mean she will end up making bad decisions. my close friends and i all listen to heavy metal, and we stay out of trouble, get good grades, and are drug free. her musical choice may affect the way she dresses, but at least she's not trying to imitate someone who dresses like a slut.

as for not liking "popular" music or movie, good for her. many of the lyrical themes in rap and hip-hop are inappropriate or unintelligent, and her distaste for twilight is not something to be unhappy about. this simply means your daughter is not swayed by fads, and thinks for herself.

as for her expressing her own opinions and taking an interest in tolerance and self-expression, good for her. she seems like an intelligent, free-thinking individual. be proud of her, and give her some space. i know i would hate it if my parents went behind my back, asking people questions and going through my music library. until your daughter has done something wrong, you have no reason not to trust her.
2016-10-06 12:55:12 UTC
Being an old guy - i began out listening to my older brothers documents contained in the early 60's. Stuff like Chuck Berry, Little Richard, pal Holly and Blues greats like Elmore James, Muddy Waters, Taj Mahal, Howlin Wolf and John Lee Hooker. Then in 1964 The Beatles got here to us of a accompanied quickly after via the Rolling Stones and the remainder of the British Invasion. the worldwide of Rock n Roll replaced continuously. In 1967 the Psychedelic and human beings Rock scenes have been in complete swing with Dylan, Jefferson aircraft, Jimi Hendrix, etc. yet there grew to become right into a large portion of musicians that wanted to maintain the Blues alive. Artists like Eric Clapton with and devoid of Cream, John Mayall, Paul Butterfield, Peter eco-friendly of Early Fleetwood Mac and of direction Led Zeppelin further the classic Blues to the Rock crowd. in the time of the late 70's grew to become into Disco and Southern Rock - I skipped Disco and listened to The Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd instead. Punk began contained in the 70's and unquestionably blossomed contained in the eighty's and that i unquestionably have been given into bands like the conflict. The eighty's additionally observed the 70's Prog Rock of King purple, Gentlle substantial, Rush and Jethro Tull enhance with purple Floyd contained in the Lead. The ninety's grew to become into Grunge and Alice in Chains grew to grow to be one in all my all-time admired bands. The late eighty's and ninety's additionally observed the upward thrust of velocity and Thrash steel and that i grew to grow to be hooked on Metallica, Slayer, Pantera and others. contained in the 2000's I unquestionably are transforming into partial to the Sypmphonic, imaginative and capability sub-kind's of steel eith bands klike Nightwish, Epica, Therion and Symphony X between my favorites.
2010-06-30 21:22:29 UTC
I'd be concerned...Evanescence, Green Day, Wolfmother...

But on a serious note, don't worry about it. From a glance, none of them are satanic, and even then, you shouldn't be too concerned. It might be a phase she'll just grow out of. Be patient. She's got some good old bands on her iPod.
2010-06-30 19:50:47 UTC
dont mind the jackholes, its summer and their bed time has been extended.

nah, no need for concern. it'll probably be more fun than a miley cyrus clone, but there may be more "struggle" for that self expression thing you speak of. just remind her to extend you the same tolerance she relates with the self expression of others. mothers like to "self express" too,, it comes in all forms :)

**oh seriously kp,, " a sure sign of high intelligence and taste" ?! ..most people around here dont like twilight, think about it.

haha trixie, she can only hope for the vegetarian stage. I did the vegan stage with a teenager, man, that was expensive.
2010-06-30 20:37:36 UTC
I wouldn't be worried. I'm 15 and i listen to worries. Looking at this list you don't really have anything to really worry about unless she is doing drugs or something which from this music is a really small present of happening. I would just let her be herself, let her express herself. Let her listen to what she wants to, Getting in her way of doing this can cause some trouble. Let her be who she wants to be. Its almost like a phase.
2010-06-30 19:50:15 UTC
i am the same parents used to find it as a concern but they realized if they subjectified a kid to do what they say they will grow up mom was a control freak i had to do everything she wanted me to like become a doctor and all that and every little bad thing i did made her pissed..but when i started getting older i became more artistic and i really resisted social trends because i dont want to be like a person i wanna be myself why should i do that..i found that my passion is music so im working hard to go to school for music and able to have a profession in it.. when ur kids want to do something they will try their hardest to reach their goals..i didnt give a rats *** about school when my mom was pushing me to become a doctor..but when i found what i wanted to do..i kno i got to push i can get to my dream life and career..i listen to anything different..groups that have their own unique sounds.coming from jazz classical metal hardcore punk rock ..she is bieng herself its a good thing music has to do alot with that..ive been able to find my own political views and ive been more educated about whats going..what REALLY right and wrong and whats my views on life in general
Mr. X
2010-07-01 18:13:26 UTC
There is nothing wrong with any of those bands. When I was 12 I was into death metal and that is way worst then those bands and I turned out just fine. Well I still am into Death Metal.
killer peaches bored tyrant
2010-06-30 19:46:30 UTC let me get this straight... you are concerned because your daughter has decided NOT to be a lemming and follow the screamo/pop/emo crowd... but instead shows some degree of individuality, self expression and decision making and actual taste in music?

Sounds like the kid is on the right track, at least musically. Her dress hardly sounds scary or ghastly, so I am not seeing the issue.

The question mark is always behavior. And you can have good kids and bad kids who listen to ALL sorts of music. If you are worried because she seems to be getting opinionated and self expressive.. congratulations... you have a teenager.

**BTW.. NOT liking Twilight? That is a sure sign of high intelligence and taste. That is NOT to be undermined.
2010-07-04 16:41:40 UTC
lighten up thts some good music i listene to tht music and im in magnet and im doing fine. its better to listen to rock and metal than hip hop and rap cuz thats mostly assosiated with drugs
Shot Gun
2010-06-30 19:45:51 UTC
I'd be worried. When you throw off your sh*t to hip hop ratio, bad things happen.

She's 12. She has stupid ideas, but so what?

Yo, KP (and others, you just expressed the sentiment in the most articulate way): Rejecting all modern pop culture for a culture of the past isn't expressing individuality. It's just conforming to a slightly more esoteric ideal.

And besides that, it's practically all ripped from the hard/classic rock canon. I don't see what it has to do with individuality.
2010-07-01 06:22:13 UTC
it is what it me making someone listen to a certain kind of music or not letting them listining to a certain kind of music is like not helping a drowning kid in a pool. music is one of the greatest things that can happen to someone and if they turn out to be the way they are then let them be. dont destroy them
DJ Spence
2010-06-30 19:48:04 UTC
As others above me have so abrasively stated, no you have nothing to worry about. She's discovered good music, most of it from previous generations, and all of it is far more child appropriate than any rap song she'll hear.
2010-06-30 20:40:43 UTC
Your daughter sounds normal to me. I would be worried if she was a fan of Twilight because she would probably be having promiscuous sex with random vampires.
Trixie Delight
2010-06-30 20:07:20 UTC
Looks like your "baby" is growing up. I can assure you there will be plenty of phases (good and bad) she will go through on her journey through adolescence. If I'm not mistaken, you still have the funny hair color, the piercings and the vegetarian stages to look forward to. Good luck!

**Yeah nodumgys - don't I know it!
Autumn Shantel
2010-06-30 19:58:42 UTC
There must be something wrong with her, I didn't see Guns N Roses! Go hunt her down!!

Haha I'm just kidding.

She has Stryper on there. It's a Christian band. Is that a threat to you, too?
2010-06-30 19:50:57 UTC
I'd be more worried cause she's listening to crappy Evanescence, but the rest is mostly great music! I wouldn't be worried because she's an individual instead of following the rest of the crowd who like that gay Justin Bieber etc...the girl has taste! :)

Btw- She forgot Guns N' Roses :P
2010-07-01 14:03:02 UTC
yes i am getting very scared myself

she's listening to creed,nirvana,and sabbath...instead of gaga,lil' wayne,and katy perry???

oh god...go punish your daughter NOW!

is something wrong with you?

god bless on the other hand,i'm not so sure
2010-06-30 20:29:30 UTC

what the F ?

let her be herself..

let her be who she is

support anything she does

as long as shes not on drugs then everything pretty much fine
2010-06-30 19:57:14 UTC
I like her personality.

At least she's on Team I-Don't-Give-A-F*ck and not Team Edward or any of that other vampire bullsh*t.
Abbath Doom Occulta
2010-06-30 19:46:02 UTC
She has a (mostly) good taste in music.
2010-06-30 20:09:36 UTC
Definitely a troll.
2010-07-01 00:11:08 UTC
talk to ur daughter about it instead of yahoo answers.
2010-06-30 20:31:47 UTC
Does no one else realize that this is a troll?
2010-06-30 19:43:25 UTC
concerned about what? you are pissed because she listens to good music?



EDIT - there are only about 4 bands on that list that i don`t like, but atleast she ain`t listening to rap/hip hop.

and why the **** did i get thumbs down?
2010-06-30 19:49:25 UTC
damn , thats some good stuff. be thankful!!! as long as shes not drinking/smoking/tagging ect...
2010-06-30 19:46:30 UTC
No she just likes AWESOME music(:
2010-07-02 22:36:00 UTC
wow!! she has an awesome taste!! you must be so proud :D
2010-06-30 19:48:09 UTC
Yes you should.

Not enough trains...
2010-06-30 19:43:53 UTC
yes, bon jovi and foreigner....i'd be very concerned.
Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer
2010-06-30 20:24:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.