Hi Ladyhawk.
Things are pretty good except that it feels too much like a Friday. This week has been really weird like that. Kind of a bummer.
Thanks, I'll have a look at the Wildhearts song. They're kind of 1 for 2 in songs of theirs that I've heard. Curious to hear a tie-breaker.
MA: Tall Tales - Born Down By The Side http://www.last.fm/music/Tall+Tales/_/Born+Down+by+the+Side
MA2: Nigel Godrich came in to produce Pavement's last record, Terror Twilight. This didn't help the band's survival at all as the band in large part felt like this was playing out as more of a Steve Malkmus solo record. The best example was about 2 weeks into making the record when it became apparent that Nigel did not know Bob Nostanovich's name.
MA3: I bowled a 300 game once.
MA4: So far so good. Just got off the phone with my wife for our sort of good morning call (she's just waking up when I leave for work so she calls on her way to work everyday). It always peps me up for the day, puts me in a better mood for the work day. Good stuff.
BA: I have no idea where you live, but this market Trader Joe's by us has these sort of freezer pasta with eggplant and some nice stuff. Last night I mixed that with some fake chicken meal starters that I cooked up with some garlic. That only took about 10 minutes and was really good. The bonus part that took longer, but was very low maintenance was we had a couple of those Pilsbury biscuits and about 2/3s of the way into baking them I pulled them out and put a piece of babybel cheese (an attempt at cutting it into thirds, or maybe about half as the cheese seemed like it could have been a bit more plentiful, the sort of flat way, so that it covers more of the inside and doesn't sort of create just a cheese blob in the middle) in the center and sprinkled a healthy amount of garlic salt on top (although I figured out it would have worked better if I had maybe put some actual garlic in the middle, or somehow brought out that flavor better) anyways then we had really easy cheese-garlic-biscuits. Great meal that was really easy.
Thanks Ladyhawk. It was. Those bagged, "throw it in a deep pan and go" sort of meals have proved to be so very useful. We're big fans of Trader Joes, and now those Fresh and Easy places that are popping up.
Hi Jimmy Jazz,
I know. I actually hadn't had one until about 3 days ago. I got so excited when I was balling the wax up to throw it away and it was actually balling up. Those things are great snacks.