Does Your New Year's Resolution Have A Theme Song?
2008-01-08 11:48:43 UTC
My dear friend Sookie inspired this question:
Rather than sum YOU up in one word, is there a song that reflects your New Years Resolution? What song is it?

For me, the Song is "Lesson Learned: by Alicia Keys:

"I was burned but I called it a lesson learned
mistake overturned so i called it lesson learned.
my soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
another lesson learned....

Life ain't perfect, aint perfect if you don't know what the struggles for
Falling down ain't falling down if you don't cry when you hit the floor
It's called the past 'cause im getting past and i ain't nothing like I was before.
You ought to see me now."

It kind of fits in with my New Years' Resolution to stop dwelling on things and to be a little nicer to myself.
Sixteen answers:
Mike AKA Mike
2008-01-08 11:57:21 UTC
Well, my New Year's Resolution was not to have a New Year's Resolution, so.....



F*ck it, I got nothing.

NP: "Gotta Move On" - Drivin' N' Cryin'
2008-01-08 15:39:17 UTC
Yeah, but it sort of ties in with the other question that inspired this one! Ironic, eh?

My theme tune is also the piece that reflects my New Year's resolution in that I need not just to think more like this, but do more like this! My song - for me - reflects individuality, humour, positivity, aspiration, randomness, and the fact that life is just life. Your life has its meaning, even if it means nothing to other people.

My song is "Montana" by Frank Zappa:

I might be movin' to Montana soon

Just to raise me up a crop of Dental Floss

Raisin' it up

Waxin' it down

In a little white box

I can sell uptown

By myself I wouldn't

Have no boss,

But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss

(Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss)

Well I just might grow me some bees

But I'd leave the sweet stuff

For somebody else...

But then, on the other hand i would

Keep the wax,

And melt it down

Pluck some Floss,

N' swish it around

I'd have me a crop

An' it'd be on top

(that's why I'M movin' to Montana)

Movin' to Montana soon

Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon

(yes I am)

Movin' to Montana soon

Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune

I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss

That's growin' on the prairie

Pluckin' the floss!

I plucked all day an' all nite an' all Afternoon...

I'm ridin' a small tiny horse

(His name is MIGHTY LITTLE)

He's a mighty good horss

Even though

He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or

Blanket on anyway

He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or

Blanket on anyway

Any way I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss

Even if you think it is a little silly, folks

I don't care if you think it's silly, folks

I don't care if you think it's silly, folks

I'm gonna find me a horse

Just about this big

An' ride him all along the border line

With a Pair of heavy-duty

Zircon-encrusted tweezers in my hand

Every other wrangler would say

I was mighty grand

By myself I wouldn't

Have no boss

But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss

Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss

Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss

Well I might Ride along the border

With my tweezers gleamin'

In the moon-lighty night

And then I'd Get a cuppa cawfee

N' give my foot a push...

Just me 'n the pymgy pony

Over by the Dentall Floss Bush

N' then I might just

Jump back on

An' ride, like a cowboy,

Into the dawn to Montana

Movin' to Montana soon


*Yep, I'm crazy* =oD
Hayley Electrik
2008-01-08 11:57:48 UTC
Horse The Band-The Black Hole

I will not fade!

I will not fade!

I might be a baby caught in the snow,

But you know...

I will not fade!

I will not fade!

I ripped off my arms

So long ago.

All these wheels:

They seem amazing!

All these bombs

Must be ready to blow.

All this time

I could have tried.

All this time

I did not know.

The letters grow long and weary

And build into a maze.

The dialects laid beneath

Drip from hands yellow-stained.

Inside the envelope a heart of golden sand

Wrapped in snakes, clenched in a fist

Of a mechanical hand.

Give up and go away!!

Into the void.

Be silent and do not speak!!

Into the void.

Be blind and do not gaze!!

Into the void.

Be numb and do not reach!!

Into the void.

And if they want!

And if they want!

And if they want!

...I'll come undone.

I might be amazed like a baby but

I don't have those eyes.

Soaring quails sing of thier glories;

Vultures always lie.

In the deep, the creatures weep,

Begging to be fried.

Any change can be magnificent

If you only try.

Face the stars or thee abyss!

Face the stars or thee abyss!

Face the stars or thee abyss!

Face the stars or thee abyss!

I'll face the stars or thee abyss,

But not nothing at all.

I'll face the stars or thee abyss-

From nothing I can't fall.

All these wheels:

They seem amazing!

All these bombs

Must be ready to blow!

All this time

I could have tried!

All this time

I did not know!

It's so amazing!

It's so-

It's so...

It's so amazing!

It's so amazing!

It's so-

It's so...

It's so amazing!
Master C
2008-01-08 12:20:04 UTC
I'm having a lot of trouble with this question. Especially since I didn't really make a resolution. But, I do have a few goals for the year. So here it goes:

Get Addicted by The Adicts

I know it's not '79 still, but it should still do the trick.
2008-01-08 12:06:37 UTC
This is a great question that I'm unable to do much with. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I've always been of the mindset that if you really want to make a big change in your life, the other 364 days of the year work equally as well. If it's important enough, do it today, don't wait until Jan 1st.

OK, enough of the sermon. I guess I'll pretend I do resolutions for the purpose of this question. I'd go with...

Machines of Loving Grace - Butterfly Wings

The moral of the story is don't place too much faith in certain people. So, my fictional resolution is to be very wary of whom you trust and watch your back. :)

Sylvia - Damn it, you better be nice to yourself!
2008-01-08 12:09:32 UTC
This took me a minute. :)

I didn't make a resolution, but I have had an on-going goal to stop sweating all the small stuff and focus on the important things. I don't know why since it's not a great match lyrically, but Depeche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence" seems to be the theme for this.
Jesus thinks I am cool! I am His
2008-01-09 10:04:24 UTC
What Will You BE in 2008?

"...but the people who know their God shall be strong,

and carry out great exploits." (Daniel 11:32)

Seems like this time every year, everyone gets all excited about making New Year's resolutions...losing weight, exercising more, spending more time with their kids, praying more, reading the Bible more, etc. And, as the pattern goes, we get off track by February!

I want to suggest a new approach to this year's resolutions. Instead of thinking about, or asking God, what you should DO this year, try asking God what you should BE this year! I believe that success in the Christian life comes from recognizing who you are, and then you live from that understanding. I believe that the true summary of the Christian faith is "be and you will do" not "do and you will be."

The verse that starts this answer teaches us that as we know God, and realize who He is, and who we are in Him, the natural result will be doing His will. Maybe we've spent too much time tinkering with our behavior, and too little time putting our faith in what the Word of God says about us?

Romans 12:2 teaches us to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." I like to tell those that I teach that believers in Jesus are "princes and princesses with amnesia." What if you were the child of a king, got amnesia, and ended up eating garbage out of a dumpster in an alley? And what if I said, "Hey! What are you eating garbage in this alley for? You're the child of a king!"

What if you answered, "I don't feel like the child of a king!"

Would you be any less the child of a king because you didn't feel like it? Absolutely not! You'd be no less the child of royalty. Why? Because you're not a prince or princess based on what you feel, but you're a prince or princess based on what's true. And if you believed what was true, you'd begin to live out of that understanding. You'd begin to act like the child of a king! That's why Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!" (John 8:32)

So there's my challenge for you this year: What will you BE in 2008? When you figure that out and believe it, your life will begin to bear the fruit of what you believe. I pray you have your best year yet in 2008!
2008-01-08 20:33:55 UTC
I dont really have resolutions in words

but that ok

cause neither does this song

Weightless by Brian Eno

and it fits like a glove
2016-04-04 03:55:01 UTC
A Black Parade By My Chemical Romance
James M
2008-01-08 12:13:58 UTC
My life resolution is to make sure my kids are not the subject of Pat Benatar's Hell is for Children!

Excellent question!
Pon and Zi
2008-01-08 15:37:06 UTC
my chemical romance black parade

When I was a young boy,

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,

would you be the savior of the broken,

the beaten and the damned?"

He said "Will you defeat them,

your demons, and all the non-believers,

the plans that they have made?"

"Because one day I'll leave you,

A phantom to lead you in the summer,

To join The Black Parade."

When I was a young boy,

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,

would you be the savior of the broken,

the beaten and the damned?"

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.

And other times I feel like I should go.

And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.

And when you're gone we want you all to know.

We'll carry on,

We'll carry on

And though you're dead and gone believe me

Your memory will carry on

We'll carry on

And in my heart I can't contain it

The anthem won't explain it.

A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams

Your misery and hate will kill us all.

So paint it black and take it back

Let's shout it loud and clear

Defiant to the end we hear the call

To carry on

We'll carry on

And though you're dead and gone believe me

Your memory will carry on

We'll carry on

And though you're broken and defeated

Your weary widow marches

On and on we carry through the fears

Ooh oh ohhhh

Disappointed faces of your peers

Ooh oh ohhhh

Take a look at me cause I could not care at all

Do or die, you'll never make me

Because the world will never take my heart

Go and try, you'll never break me

We want it all, we wanna play this part

I won't explain or say I'm sorry

I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar

Give a cheer for all the broken

Listen here, because it's who we are

I'm just a man, I'm not a hero

Just a boy, who had to sing this song

I'm just a man, I'm not a hero

I! don't! care!

We'll carry on

We'll carry on

And though you're dead and gone believe me

Your memory will carry on

We'll carry on

And though you're broken and defeated

Your weary widow marches on

Do or die, you'll never make me

Because the world will never take my heart

Go and try, you'll never break me

We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on)

Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)

Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry)

We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)
kenny J
2008-01-08 12:05:01 UTC
Mannequin Shop by Paul Westerberg

You look fine a little strange. been working out? losing weight?

You got that hunger and I can see

Youre looking younger than youre supposed to be

One little nip, one little tuck ohhh youre looking hip

You never never stop

Chop chop mannequin shop

The mannequin shop

You look bitching you look taut

Im a itchin to know what was bought?

Are those yours? are those mine?

Are they paid for? its a lie.

One little nip, one little tuck ohhh youre looking hip

You never never stop

Chop chop mannequin shop

The mannequin shop

Youre looking great

Youre losing face

Youre looking fine

My little frankenstein

Mannequin shop

Chop chop mannequin shop

Youve got the face that you chose.

Honey, can you spare a nose?

Youre looking great

Youre losing face

You look fine a little strange. been working out? losing weight?

Are those yours? are those mine?

Are they paid for? its a lie.

One little nip one little tuck ohhh youre looking hip

Good enough to.......

Mannequin shop

Chop chop mannequin shop

Youre looking great

Youre losing face

My little frankenstein

Mannequin shop chop chop

Mannequin shop
Mizz SJG
2008-01-08 12:13:10 UTC
Be Aggressive-Faith No More

"Be aggressive

B-e aggressive


Go, fight, go, fight, go, fight, go, fight, win"....

..Mind you, the song is about a guy who spreads his seed in the mouths of cheerleaders...I, being a girl, would like to remove such pervs from my work life and kick their asses to kingdom come...since I cannot do so, I dedicate this song to them and in my mouth sits a new cesspool of disease waiting to spew forth upon their pitiful souls...("FU" she giggles and screams at the top of her lungs...then she is fired and takes her box of pens and stabs them in their necks on her way out the door...See ya!) LOL
2008-01-08 12:28:51 UTC
everything in my life has a theme song.
80'S MAN part time visitor
2008-01-08 11:58:55 UTC
everybody's got a hungry heart. by bruce springsteen

im hungry as hell, on this stupid diet..(l.o.l)
2008-01-08 11:52:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.