M- Make You Feel Better - Red Hot Chili Peppers
E- Education- Modest Mouse
R- Rich Girls- The Virgins
R- Rhiannon- Fleetwood Mac
Y- Your Honor- Regina Spektor
C- Cry Baby Cry - The Beatles
H- House of Cards - Radiohead
R- Rangers- A Fine Frenzy
I- I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
S- Summer Breeze- Jason Mraz
T- Turn It Again - Red Hot Chili Peppers
M- My Iron Lung - Radiohead
A- Ants Marching- Dave Matthews Band
S- Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
and because I feel like it..
H- Human- Civil Twlight
A- Automatic - Weezer
P- Peace- Weezer
P- Pink- Aerosmith
Y- You and I- Ingrid Michaelson
H- Hurt- Johnny Cash
O- Optimistic- Radiohead
L- Layla- Eric Clapton
I- I Will (No Man's Land)- Radiohead
D- Don't Make Me Wait - Locksley
A- A Rush of Blood to the Head
Y- You and I Both - Jason Mraz
S- She's A Woman- The Beatles
yay :D that was fun.