who likes this song?
2007-05-09 19:06:31 UTC
ok... before clicking the link below, i need to tell you, answer thouroughly, give me a paragraph or 2, i like to read opinions, not yes i like it because its good and no because its not my kind of music. tell me why
Eight answers:
2007-05-09 19:13:11 UTC
Overall, it is pretty talented. Musically it is sound, tight drumming, quick & tight guitars. screaming vocals sound pretty good, almost like Cannibal Corpse. There were 2 problems with the song.

First and foremost, the recording was very lackluster, and thus makes the instruments sound muddy and the clean vocals especially sound muffled. You need to overdub the vocals in a major studio if this is yours, try a TLM 103 for the clean vocals and reamp a green bullet for the screaming vox. Try layering the guitars a couple times, and thicken up that bass track by layering and EQ. Try also layering the vocal tracks, and use a little more compression.

Once you do this you will have a very decent metal track. The second problem will be solved by knocking out the first one. Good luck, you guys have a good band.
2007-05-11 11:48:31 UTC
It`s not bad, although I don`t like the parts where he`s screaming so loud. But still pretty good music.
2007-05-10 02:15:39 UTC
whoa, i don't like the song. it's so much screaming and yelling. i'm not a big fan of music like that. it's not often you hear me listening to a song like that. honestly, the song kind of scares me lols. i have no idea what they are saying either. i'm up for any song with a good beat to it which is usually all kinds of music except anything with screaming. it's so boring to me, all i hear is random screaming and ranting cus they are speaking so fast and loud you can't understand what they are saying. it's like listening to sean paul but louder and with a lot more yelling. the music hurts my ears. i like songs i can sing a long to. i love to sing and that song was not something i'd sing along to.
2007-05-10 02:32:53 UTC
i dont like it because whenever he screams the beat doesn't go with just sounds like a big mess.i do like that kind of music of my favorite bands are atreyu.if you never heard of them i advise that you listen to the crimson..its really good.
2007-05-10 02:11:41 UTC
No I don't like it. First of all there is way to much screaming, I didn't really care for the video. They were yelling so much I could barely understand what they were saying.
2007-05-10 02:12:17 UTC
Oh muh god! Thats fukn' horrifying.Why in the world do people make music where they just scream? I hate that kind of music. I drives my CRAZY!
2007-05-10 02:14:46 UTC
no,because it doesn't have my qualities or what kind of songs

do i'm gonna like.

thank u for your questio.

i like reding opinions too.

i really like songs such as

don't matter,

hands down,


i don't know this song but it says"this is whi i'm hot"

hips don't lie,

i don't know some of the titles

but i do like songs of shows like hannah montana's

nobody's perfect.
2007-05-10 02:11:37 UTC
nah i aint likin that from tha projects baby dont do that ther! haha...but im sure you like it and if you like then it dont matta wat ne1 else thinks about far as im concered tha reason why people may like a certain type of music iz cuz they can relate 2 it.

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