Sabaton's song I am familiar with, however, not Nightingales.
both I think sound pretty good, though I think I prefer Nightingales. As much as I like Sabaton, that song I think is one of my least favourite by them. The riff sounds awkward, and the vocals don't fit, IMO.
well, aside from a lot of Sabaton's, the only other WWII song I can think of is a pro-nazi song... so...
Screaming Eagles
I know, not the on that's "NOT about the Western Theater"... but the only one I know for sure aren't are Stalingrad (like I said, one of my least favourite Sabaton songs), Nuclear Attack, which is cool, but not near as god as Screaming Eagles IMO, and Midway, which is pretty short, yet very repetitive. not to mention it lacks any sort of information about the actual battle other than it's a naval battle and they'll meet at midway.
On a related note, While I think due to what he did, Hitler is evil, and if I had the chance to travel back in time, I would do everything and anything I could to stop him from rising to power. That being said, I think that Hitler had the potential to be one of the greatest, if not, THE greatest military leader in history. There were a few fatal mistakes he did that prevented him from winning the war.
1 - the Holocaust. Not only was it morally wrong, and and atrocity to humankind, but it also knocked out a huge chunk of the German military. something like 30% of the German army pre WWII was Jewish, not to mention the fact that it took a lot of man power to operate the Death camps, and to capture the Jews. A lot of the people involved in running the camps were Hitler's most loyal men. not to mention a lot of the scientists that worked on the atomic bomb were European Jews escaping the Nazis, including Albert Einstein who developed the formula E=MC^2 which states that a small particle (such as an atom) could release a vast amount of energy.
2 - allowing for the British army to evacuate France. Once France was conquered, Hitler ordered the German army to surround the south half of France. If they had of surrounded the north half, the completely defeated British army and remaining French army could have been finished off and most likely this would have forced Britain to surrender.
3 - not actually communicating with Japan. Japan proved to be a much more powerful ally than the almost useless Italy. However, had Hitler actually planned attacks with the Japanese, he could have had the Japanese attack the Soviets, while Germany cleared out UK and France, and once they were gone, turn around and give Russia the two front war that Hitler himself had so feared... instead, he let the Japanese (who had already beaten Russia badly before) bring USA into the conflict.