Where does Rancid rank among the best punk bands in music history?
2015-02-11 13:18:51 UTC
To me Rancid is one of the greatest punk bands ever, I believe they should be/ are in the same category as the Ramones, The Clash, the Misfits, The Stooges, the New York Dolls, etc. & I even put them ahead of the Sex Pistols and the Dead Kennedys (my own preference, don't hate) So where do you put Rancid on the list of all time greatest punk bands?
Five answers:
2015-02-12 10:44:30 UTC
To me, they're not that special, so I have to disagree with you on this. I mean, it's about personal opinion really, but mostly about where they stand in the punk scene and how they contributed to it. As they are a 90s band, they started when punk was dying, so they haven't contributed much to the original punk times.

Also, there are much superior punk bands to them. Rancid are more of a street/ska punk band with a typical 90s sound. Earlier punk bands were more about rebellion and being raw, so they were much different than Rancid.

Even though I do like some of their songs, I wouldn't put Rancid among the best punk bands in the music history simply because they haven't been around the 70s & 80s punk scene. They are not one of those bands I would classify as classic punk.
2015-02-11 14:09:47 UTC
I adore Rancid, one of my personal favorites. But their importance to punk is nowhere near as great at the Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Social Distortion, Bad Religion, the Sex Pistols, Bad Brains, The Stooges, the Cramps, the Misfits etc. Operation Ivy (Tim Armstrong's band prior to Rancid) I'd say is actually probably more important even. Rancid is amazing but, by the time they started, punk was really already molded. They didn't really start anything new. I mean Bad Brains and Operation Ivy already started wearing that reggae influence proudly in their sleeve before Rancid. And lyrically, or musically, they didn't start anything new. But i would say that i modern punk, they are very important, because they've stayed true and haven't sold out. I'd say they're probably on of the most important new punk bands around, if not the most important. But as far as punk history, they definitely left a footprint, they helped make it more mainstream without losing integrity. But didn't...
2015-02-11 15:21:16 UTC
Rancid would be near the bottom. There are so many punk bands better than them.
Mon Amie La Rose
2015-02-11 14:48:12 UTC
They wouldn't make my Top 100, sorry. Punk had peaked and died by the time they appeared in the 90's, they were neither original or even that great.
2015-02-11 15:05:30 UTC
They sound too happy & cheery for me. I like my punk more angry and aggressive.

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