Should I be allowed to go to a Rise Against/Rancid show?
2009-03-05 17:59:57 UTC
Hey guys, I'm 13 years of age and on my 14th birthday (June 15th) Rise Against, Rancid, and Riverboat Gamblers will be playing a show in Cleveland, which I live about an hour away from. I tell my mom all I want for my birthday is to just go see them, cause it's basically a once in a lifetime thing, but she denies the whole thing saying "You're too young and immature. There is too many drug addict and alcholics going there you might get killed."
Please, can someone help me out?
Eight answers:
2009-03-05 18:09:24 UTC
it's more of a punk show then a rap concert only injury you will get is the battle scars of the pit. Talk with her about getting a ride to and from the show - it's all ages so there will be tons of people your age and a great time. <3 Rancid <3 Tim Armstrong. Get your friends together and get them to talk to their parents, mom will have a harder time saying no if you are going with your friends with permission, you can't get into anymore trouble there then hanging out in a park. And if she still says no then go anyway being punished will be well worth it.
2009-03-06 07:22:26 UTC
I've been to a Rise Against show before, and I am a fan of Rancid. To say the least, there will be a lot of drugs, booze, and swearing. I know YOU don't care, but your mom will. Most of this will be from the Rancid fans. They have a really big following, and a lot of those punk kids are kind of crazy. The first time I went to a concert without a parent I was in the 8th grade I think. I'm a pretty tall and solid guy, so I could keep me own in a mosh pit. If you're kind of a little guy, it might not be a good idea. You can really get hurt.
2009-03-06 02:13:03 UTC
my parents wouldn't let me go to warped tour when i was 14. but oddly, they let me go to a modest mouse concert that was in a bar this summer.

venues make a big deal about making sure underage kids don't buy alcohol. and people don't push drugs because everybody there is there for the music. you're only a couple years younger than me, so i'm guessing your mom grew up sometime in the 60's-70's when drugs were the big thing and people just sat around doing that. it would be pretty dangerous, i guess, but try the 'older friend/ older sibling of a friend' or some aspect of that. if someone older is there to look after you, then i don't see what the problem would be.
2009-03-06 02:07:15 UTC
I would let you go personally, but not alone. I can tell you right now that you are NOT going to be killed. I don't know about RIse Against that much, but second hand smoke may be an issue. I can see why your parents wouldn't allow you to go though, and I had a very similar experience to the once you are describing, only I wanted to go see Music as a Weapon IV.

I would say your best bet would be to get some other people to go with you, so that you are not alone.
pull your punches
2009-03-06 02:03:56 UTC
Listen to the song "I Wanna Get A Mohawk, But My Mom Won't Let Me Get One". Its about you, haha.

Ok, but in all honesty, I saw Rancid when I was 13 and I lived. And I saw Rise Against when I was 14 and again, I lived. Its really not that bad. You could always say you're spending the night at a friends house and go anyway.
Nathan M
2009-03-07 00:59:19 UTC
yes dude, rise against has a good message through there music and they dont really cuss in any of there song, most rise against fans such as my self dont think that its cool to do drugs or drink or anything espically try to make a kids such as your age do it. But if your mom is really this protective try a buy a ticket in the stands if you can instead of the floor seating if that is a option. Also is your mom is as protective as you say then you should let her talk to the kid whos driving you, also play her some rise against songs with good messages and that she might aprove of, like swing life away, like the angel, everchanging, or but tonight we dance. Also you could show her an article or website of them supporting P.E.T.A. or something, i hope you get to go, that would be AWESOME
2009-03-06 02:05:46 UTC
I think you should be able to go. You are old enough to choose whether you want to do drugs or not, she just has to trust you to make the right decision. Maybe you could persuade her or an older friend to go as a chaperone and make sure you stay out of trouble.

Of course, I'm just a kid myself...too young and immature. :P
crazy babyy (=
2009-03-06 02:05:27 UTC
well she has a point there are some people who are crazy

but i think you should be able to go. tell her you're responsible

enough and as long as someone of age is there to watch you

you'll be finee. i just need to say that if you do go, ILL BE SOOO


hahahha but i hope i helpedd (=

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