What is the heaviest, most brutal album in existence?
2007-05-10 04:10:55 UTC
I don't want none of that slayer or old metallica crap, it's good but I just want the most brutal, mind numbing, heaviest album ever. I listen to stuff like All Shall Perish and Beneath The Massacre if that helps.
21 answers:
2007-05-10 04:15:06 UTC
Anything by Cannibal Corpse. It all sounds like brutal noise to me.
2007-05-11 15:56:05 UTC
MyChildren MyBride

Job For a Cowboy




School Girl Knife Fight


After the Burial


I Killed the Prom Queen


Mortal Treason

The Devil Wears Prada

Some are underground but most are brutal and when you listen its an awesome wall of sound that hits you in the face.
2007-05-10 13:40:09 UTC
Amon Amarth - Fate Of Norns

Devildriver - The Fury Of Our Makers Hand

Also You Should Check Out:

All Tht Remains - The Fall Of Ideals

And Haste The Days Old Stuff

But thats Less Brutal More Melodic
2007-05-10 16:51:31 UTC
Bro if you're looking for brutality, technicality, and mind numbing, time signature brain distortion as heavy as can be, here are two...

1.) Dream Theater

2.) James LaBrie

You love em
2007-05-14 10:38:25 UTC
I like Motorhead's live album. Sleep was this old stoner rock band. They put out an album that was just one really long song with one riff. Sabbath is great, but I hope you already know that.

Scott Walker's latest album The Drift is experimental, not really metal, but it is incredibly weird and heavy. Heavier than metal really. It sounds like bodies being torn apart. Lou Reed's album "Metal Machine Music" is still one of the harshest things I've ever heard.
2007-05-12 18:00:45 UTC
Fudge Tunnel - Hate Songs in E Minor
2007-05-11 14:42:55 UTC
Six Feet Under - Haunted

Himsa - Hail Horror

Anything by Deicide
Super Unkn0wn
2007-05-12 02:10:16 UTC
i like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, and DragonForce. not really into the crunch-crunch deep growling metal. i don't want the house to fall on me while watching the paint being peeled off of the walls from the screaming vocals that some dogs can't even hear.
2007-05-10 14:45:47 UTC
Anything by Canibal Corpse, Dark Funeral, and Children of Bodom.

MAke sure to get Hatecrew Deathroll-Children of Bodom.
2007-05-13 03:03:20 UTC
Brutal and mind numbing noise is what your looking for huh? well I dunno about all that black metal garbage out there but I do know this, go get Pantera "Vulgar Display of Power" if this cd does not change your outlook on metal then you just don't get it. P.S. you can thank this band for making it possible for all of todays metal, they kept metal alive when grunge threatened to kill it.
2007-05-10 12:43:32 UTC
Listen to Animosity or The Faceless.
2007-05-11 02:02:57 UTC
When are you kids gonna learn! Judas Priest is the heaviest thing there ever WAS!!!! Don't believe me? Do this - go and meet YOUR favs, and YOU ask THEM?
2007-05-10 17:35:21 UTC
the heaviest music that i can tolerate [lol] is cradle of filth, dry kill logic, bullet for my valentine, and i guess u could throw slipknot in there too :-)
robert g
2007-05-13 20:28:19 UTC
Brittany Spears ...I can't make it past one song without wanting to kill myself . more seriously any early Accept and great too, with Udo Dirshnider
2007-05-10 13:03:38 UTC
glad to hear your interp of slayer, ugh!

i'd have to rate anything by celtic frost as hard and heavy
Fonzie T
2007-05-10 11:17:05 UTC
My guess is that you'd have to turn to one of those (semi-obscure) Norweigian black metal bands.

I've heard some crazy stories about em...
2007-05-10 13:58:21 UTC
hootie and the blowfish - cracked rear view.

heavy man. heavy.
2007-05-10 17:07:52 UTC
check out napalm death or celtic frost, they're pretty brutal.
2007-05-11 01:39:57 UTC
slipknot, lupara, 100 demons
2007-05-10 11:15:56 UTC
Do you like Rammstein?
2007-05-10 13:47:40 UTC

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