Like many bands, U2 has gone through 2 itinerations.
Early U2, befor e Bonos head swelled and they decied that they were God's gift to world peace was creative genius.
Albums liek the Joshua Tree stand on their own, and if a person cannot realize that, they need to step out of any serious conversations about great music.
Sadly, sometimes around "Mysterious Ways", ego and Pop got a hold of U2, and they have been substandard for the most part since, and liek most bands, you have a core group of fans who won't aknowledge that.
But to completely dismiss them (as people do with Metallica and the like) shows a complete lack of objectivity, and therefore credible intelligence.
Unlike Nickleback or Colplay, both bands that have been Mainstream Mediocrity their entire career, U2 ( and Metallica) have their early pioneering work to show that they WERE once, great bands.
As for BONO as a person. He is an egomaniacal cretin, at least nowadays. Tis true he always had a political bent, but his belief in his own Messianic Stature is boggling.
***And Moouseers...or whatever the crap your name is...before you go calling someone else out on their lack of "muscial knowledge" you might want to actually do something that actually lends any credence to YOUR credetials. So far I have seen nothing, whereas Darth, while occasionally blinded by his loyalty, doe shave a considerable musical background. I migh sugest you put up or shut up.
**Ryan..if you actually listened to the talk of said Medical family member, while it would not make you a Brain Surgeon, it WOULD give you a considerable leg up on the subject over the common layman, as is the case with being sorounded by music all of ones life. UNless one is totally tonedeaf, one is bound to develop an ear. And some of us took that and ran with it, to learn music on our own.
I find it interesting how hard so many people have to overcome therir preconceptions of music, or opinions of a musician to be unable to admit when they DO do something noteworthy.
** I like Frosted Flakes... you are sounding more an dmore like a wanna be 14 year old MetalHead. Honestly... there is far to to life thatn JUST Metal, and I would gueess that both Darth and I have listened to Slayer far longer than you have.
Plus, they have pretty well been average since Seasons in the Abyss themselves. So much for your fantastic Band. Christ Illusion was rubbish.