'running stop signs'
this band at my school had the name "Eleventh Day"...they said that a person can be considered legally insane after having not slept for eleven days straight
one of the band memebers of Presidents Of United States Of America said that for a while each band membere had to come up with 5 names and every day they'd talk it over
you could always use the coolest last name of the Bunch (i.e. Bon Jovi)
or use the lead singers name and just add 'Band' at the end (i.e. Dave Matthews Band, John Mayer Trio)
You can base the name off of a song (variations of the song title) by an Artist that insipires all of you. (Yoshimi battles the pink robots, Learn to Fly, JUMP!, Under the bridge, Wonderwall, Everlong, Best of you, This aint a scene it's an arms race)
The Last letter of every band member's name. (like Nsync....yeah they are a boy band but they made 'in sych'...become 'Nsync' and it blended with what their sound is plus their names)