In Memorium... R&P :(?
Lady Silver Rose * Wolf
2009-06-14 03:23:23 UTC
Hello R&P.

Yesterday evening, my Uncle Steve shockingly and unexpectedly died. He was only 50.

Although we were related by marriage rather than blood, he was part of my family, and we were quite close. I hadn't seen him in months, and feel terrible that I didn't get the chance to tell him in person that he was loved. My aunt and cousins are devastated {the eldest is still in the midst of her exams}, and whilst I desperately wish I could be with them right now, to hold and comfort them. I'm unable to be there :(

He was one of the kindest, most wonderful people I've ever met - a man who loved his family and would lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

If his death has taught me one thing, it is this ~ Carpe Diem.
He lived his life and filled it with all the things that were important to him. He knew how lucky he was to have found his soulmate, and never let an opportunity to fulfill a dream pass him by. He will be deeply missed.

Steve's favourite band was Queen, and last night I played this in his memory :

So, I'm posting this as a place for you all to dedicate a song and a memory to your loved ones who have passed over.
40 answers:
2009-06-14 09:46:40 UTC
I am very sorry. It's always sad to lose anyone but it's particularly painful when it's someone young and it was so unexpected. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

This is a great song by Peter Gabriel. He wrote it after 9/11, thinking of how it would have been for him if he had lost his daughters.

"I Grieve"
2009-06-16 22:12:13 UTC
I'm terribly sorry that that happened.

I so happened to be listening to this song upon seeing this question and I would like to dedicate it to him

Say Hello 2 Heaven by Temple of the Dog

One of my friends died about two months ago. He was really young, smart, nice, athletic and all. He never even got the chance to drive, he never had a girlfriend, and much much more other things. He had a weak heart and some people said he died at the hospital in the morning after finding him unconscious in his house the night before and some said he died drowning in the pool from the heart attack. I still need to ask some more people what happened to clear this up. He only lived about a block away from me. At least people stay in our hearts.
Nancy D
2009-06-14 04:16:08 UTC
Oh Silver, my condolences to you and to your uncle's family. I left a very abusive marriage four years ago this June, and one week later, my best friend Dave died suddenly of a massive heart attack. He would say that he lived long enough to help me leave a very bad situation. He was the type of guy who gave his own father a kidney so that his father could have a better life (I hope that I can be that generous) Anyway, he loved the Rolling Stones, and this was the song that the funeral home had playing on a continuous loop:

"Sympathy For the Devil" Live version

RIP Hammer - you are missed dude.
Psychedelic Will
2009-06-17 22:20:09 UTC
My heartfelt condolences Silver...I am just now reading this for the first time...

You were a comforting spirit for me not so long ago and now I send you many many blessings my dear friend...You and yours will be in my heart and thoughts.

I dedicate this to your Uncle Steve...and to several people who I hold very near and dear to my heart who are no longer with us. I think of them everyday...

You know where to find me if you need anything my friend...

May peace rest on your shoulders and joy refill your heart...

Take care and feel the love from all those here at R&P...
A Fair Judgement
2009-06-14 06:12:10 UTC
Oh dear, my deepest condolences. Losing a loved one is never easy; my uncle had passed away two months ago following a strange event. He had woken up to a call that left him distraught, later then passed away from a heart attack.

It was thought better left to be unspoken of, to avoid blame and more importantly, disharmony. The family is curious I know, but he's already gone, and starting something over it would only be juvenile -- well, maybe not.

Though I may not be a Queen fan, I fairly enjoyed the song. Ironically, when I learned of his passing I had been playing one particular song numerous times that morning.

Due to family circumstances, I wasn't able to attend his funeral nor offer my condolences in person, to his family of course. My family happens to be in some sort of feud with my father's and so, my mother refused to leave and didn't approve of me attending it either.

The song is:

"Heartattack In A Layby" by Porcupine Tree.

Another one I had in mind:

Also, another song/cover for your pleasure; Believe it or not, I prefer it to either original songs.
Drop Dead Fred
2009-06-14 03:37:58 UTC
Sorry to hear about that. The fact that death can occur at any given time is one of those sobering thoughts, but 50 is still too young. I offer my sincerest condolances to both you and your family for what can be an awful time.

A song dedicate to all those close to me who over the years have gone, be it before your time or those who lived a full life. You all were a part of my journey, and I hope that I was an enjoyable part of yours.
A Kind Of Magic
2009-06-14 05:34:46 UTC
I'm so very sorry for your loss Silver. Death is a terrible, terrible thing. You and your family are in my thoughts.

I played this song a lot when my grandfather passed, and since your Uncle was a Queen fan, I think it is a perfect one for him.

No One But You (Only The Good Die Young)
Rid of Me {hedzy}
2009-06-14 03:51:33 UTC
Wow Silver, I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle's death.

Great song choice.

I'll dedicate this song to my best friend who died in 4th grade, and to my grandpa: In Loving Memory by Alter Bridge.

Not a fan of this band at all, but this song's lyrics are appropriate.

By the way, happy belated birthday, I think I remember yours being a couple of days before mine.. :)
Shades of Grey♥
2009-06-14 17:28:35 UTC
Carpe Diem indeed!

Life is SO short!!!

I'm very sorry for your loss, Silver.

Coming here a little late, and seeing that he loved Fleetwood Mac, too, I've chosen this as my song to dedicate...

The Chain

I know on the surface, it's kind of a 'breaking up' song, but it somehow just seems to fit for me. It's so symbolic, with the chains that bind ourselves to others, and even to life itself, as so fragile. Strong but fragile at the same time (if that makes any sense).

At any rate, as I know you know... tomorrow is promised to no one. I'm happy to have you as one of my friends here today.
2009-06-14 07:40:11 UTC
Silver, so sorry for your loss.

The passing of my elder sibling at age 54 last year struck hard

(getting involved in Y!A became one of the diversions to keep my brain occupied with something besides grieving) and, similarly, I didn't get back to my hometown in time to be able to say I loved her in person before her passing. It genuinely is a terrible feeling; and, as Neil Peart wrote in his book Ghost Rider, "you can't tell yourself how to feel".

This song's harmonization and sparse arrangement seem to convey a mournful quality, yet also a peaceful quality. It is this kind of peaceful quality that I dedicate to my sister:
2009-06-14 07:22:26 UTC
So sorry for your loss. :-(

For My Mom(she passed away in '96): Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde. Just like Dave had a dream in which he was talking to his deceased mother, I also had. So, it kinda realtes to me.

For My Aunt: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters

For My Friend: Metallica - One

Thanks for this opportunity.

BTW, the song that you have posted for your uncle is very nice.

R.I.P My Mom, Aunt, Friend and your Uncle.
2009-06-14 04:44:14 UTC
Death brings a sad emotion which is impossible to imagine until it happens, but when it actually happens its only too possible. I seriously send all of my love to your uncle and your family. I truly wish I could come out with some words of wisdom about death to ease your suffering, but unfortunately when death occurs trying to justify it doesn't bring your loved ones back so I can only hope he is in a better place and I don't know what your faith or religion is, but I hope he is with God and watching over you and your loved ones.

Let It Be - The Beatles

I learned that when a loved one dies to just let it be and remember the great times you shared and be thankful for knowing such wonderful people.
2009-06-14 03:58:12 UTC
My sincerest condolences. It's hard losing a loved one.

Just 3 and a half weeks ago i lost my best friend to suicide. She overdosed on Anti-Depressants. Losing a loved one so suddenly makes you realize how fragile life is and how you can have everything and be gone in an instant.

This song reminds me of her so much because she was crying out for help but no one heard her.

RIP Debbie xxx
2009-06-14 18:14:14 UTC
I'd like to dedicate Smashing Pumpkins' cover of "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac.
2009-06-14 04:27:13 UTC
Wow I'm so sorry that must feel horrible..

It's such a shame,, he's only 50. =[

I hope you and your family get through these harsh times ok.

I really feel for your uncle and your family.

um, well I dedicate stairway to heaven. Because , without all the overplaying and critisizing it's a epic song.

also I dedicate this must be the place- the talking heads.

That it's his last destination. =[

x take care.
Clayton K (new avatar)
2009-06-14 19:22:21 UTC
I'm am so sorry.

I kind of know how you feel,my uncle was very close to me too,but I never got to see him again becuase him and my aunt got a divorse,I never got to tell him goodbye.

I don't exactly know what happened,but he hurt my aunt on the inside.

It was very different for me,he was not related to me by blood.

I hope that your uncle will rest in peace.

MQ:The Show Must Go On -Queen

On The Turning Away -Pink Floyd
Right On Time (Michigan)
2009-06-14 13:02:48 UTC
I'm truly sorry for your loss. It is very difficult dealing with the death of someone you loved. He seemed like he was a brilliant, kind, loving man. My thoughts go out to you and your family.

I've never really lost anybody too close to me, but my grandmother died 3 years ago.

"Tears In Heaven" Eric Clapton
2009-06-14 06:11:55 UTC
My deepest, and most sincere condolences Dear Friend. I am terribly sorry for Your loss. If You need anything, at all, You know I'm here for You.

For My Mother

For My Fiancee, that went way too Young

For My Daughter, that never even got to be born

God Bless You Silver
2009-06-14 13:59:18 UTC
there is always a great hole left in your heart when someone you love ldies. Time is a great healer and although we do get on with our lives , people who are special to us always have a courner of your heart. The song i send you is this one by the Kinks , enjoy Silver
2009-06-14 11:49:36 UTC
wow, i'm terribly sorry about that silver

this is my favorite song of all time, sung by your uncle's favorite band, and considering death is a strong theme within it, it seems appropriate at the's for my grandmother who passed away about two months ago, again, simply for its appropriateness:
2009-06-14 20:35:47 UTC
Silver, I cannot tell you how sorry I was to read this. I, too, have known sudden loss, and it's a miserable state of affairs. I wish you and your family didn't have to go through it.

For those who have gone:

And one for us all:

All words are inadequate at this point. Please take care of yourself.

The Fool On The Hill
2009-06-14 21:31:49 UTC
I'm so, so sorry to hear about your uncle :-( It must have been very hard. Your uncle seemed very nice and kind, and at least you have those memories instead of cruel ones.

Again, im very sorry that that had to happen =( especially so unexpectedly.
Hαír Pεace Šmûrƒ Pεαce
2009-06-14 20:09:59 UTC
I'm very sorry to hear that.

I never met my grandma before she died, but my dad always tells me that she would've loved me.

A song that always comforts me, no matter what, is 'In My Life'.

It's hard, but you've gotta cheer up. I, for one, know that when I die, I want people to remain smiling like the day before.

Hope your family feels well

2009-06-14 04:37:49 UTC

This is to my Mum and Dad Elvis amazing grace RIP
2009-06-14 03:39:56 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss.

ANATHEMA - One Last Goodbye

To all those who I took for granted in life, but only realised in death how much they meant.

And to my Grandpa who told us to fertilise the garden

BLUE OYSTER CULT - Don't Fear the Reaper
2009-06-14 05:13:17 UTC
Pink Floyd-The Great Gig In The Sky => this is for your uncle.Sorry for your loss man

Nirvana-Something In The Way for my great grandmother .
2009-06-14 04:48:49 UTC
I'm so sorry for your loss.

These songs helped me get through the loss of my aunt:
2009-06-14 13:23:02 UTC
RIP Uncle Steve

FM will be in New Orleans this coming Saturday ;-(

2009-06-14 21:21:00 UTC
O damn sorry to hear about that.

Death is always tragic but at a young age it is always worse.

I am sorry he was taken before his time.

Take care

So it Goes - Black Lungs
PennyLane isin your bloodstream♫
2009-06-14 19:44:49 UTC
i am so aunt passed away 8 months ago from breast cancer. my aunt was as free spirited as they come....from the sound of it my aunt & your uncle could of bin friends. i suer he was a lovely man.

for both my aunt & your uncle i dedicate this


may you both shine on like the crazy diamonds you are.
2009-06-14 06:16:08 UTC
I'm so sorry, Silver. :( My heart goes out to you and your family...death is never easy, but when it's so unexpected and someone so young, it hits twice as hard.

I've lost a few members of my family way too soon as well. And by family I mean those that I was connected to by blood and those who meant just as much to me who weren't...I'm someone who believes that family is sometimes chosen as opposed to given.

2009-06-14 21:27:13 UTC
My Condolences to you and your loved ones

I wish you were here by Incubus
Mike H Music Man in New Orleans
2009-06-14 09:08:14 UTC
My heart goes out to you and your family - My thoughts and prayers go with you.
2009-06-14 04:42:28 UTC
Hey Silver, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(


I know it's terrible when someone close dies, especially someone young.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
2009-06-14 19:38:23 UTC

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

From what I've read, I can tell you definitley loved him.

And don't worry...I'm sure he knew that :)

For your Uncle:
2009-06-14 08:59:41 UTC
Lone Wolf
2009-06-14 17:56:05 UTC
"Imagine" - John Lennon

Sorry to hear about your Uncle, cousin. {{{SRW}}}

I always find words insufficient at times like these.

Sure glad we have music.
2009-06-14 06:55:19 UTC
Your text was very touching. Your uncle would be proud.
2009-06-14 21:34:21 UTC
wish you were here-pink floyd

I played it all night long when my mother died.
2009-06-14 10:24:51 UTC
Hi Silver,

I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers go out to you ,your family and his friends.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.