Music wise I don't know if anyone did [but I'm sure he listen to someone at sometime] I know by a lot of his quote's he did not seem to like a lot of artist of his time. Here are a few of his quotes
"I have no respect for Jim Morrison, The Doors, I didn't even feel sorry for him when he died." Lou Reed
"If you want to heaar pretentiousness, just listen to John Lenno's Imagine'. All that 'possessions' crap" Lou Reed
"Alice Cooper is the worst, most disgusting side of rock music." Lou Reed
"Frank Zappa is probably the single most untalented person I've heard in my life. He's a two-bit, pretentious academic and he can't play his way out of anything. He can't play rock n roll because he's a loser. And that's why he dresses so funny. He's not happy with himself and I think he's right." Lou Reed
Dylan gets on my nerves. If your at a party with him I think you'd tell him to shut up." Lou Reed.
and there are so many more he puts down or show's he has a dislike for, as in Mick Jagger, Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Young and so on.
And yes Lou is still one of my favorite artist, even though he did not like others that I liked, but hey I don't judge who I like by what they might like or dislike.
Lou Reed - Sweet Jane from Rock n Roll Animal
take care