I mean very specific aspects of the Decemberists. I really liked their newest album, and the Crane Wife is probably their second most consistently solid album to me. Most of their stuff seems kind of hit and miss, and my favorite songs always tend to be the ones that tell a story (I know pretty much all of them do, but there'll be a list in a minute so you'll see what I mean). I'm not putting them down, by the way. They're probably one of my favorite bands, because their good stuff is way better than their bad stuff is bad. I'm just not a fan of songs like "We Both Go Down Together" or "July, July!" Anyway, I've checked Pandora and liveplasma, and neither has really helped. And yes, I did try Pandora-ing specific songs that contained all the elements I'm looking for (multi-instrumentation mostly, like accordion, violin, cello, harpsichord, organ, things like that). I always get bands that have really great music, but the vocals sound too neo-swing for my taste. I also realize I'm asking a VERY specific favor here, but based on the following songs, which bands would you recommend to me?
A Cautionary Song
The Island, Come and See, etc...
Most of "Hazards of Love"
Shanty for the Arethusa
Los Angeles, I'm Yours
Chimbley Sweep
I Was Meant for the Stage
The Infanta
The Mariner's Revenge Song
The Tain
My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist
Ok. I know this question has been asked before on Y!A, but mostly the answers I've seen have been bands that Decemberists fans would like, not necessarily bands that sound like them. Anyways, thanks in advance for your help.