Classical music. What a genre. I think it's the most disciplined and complex genre of all of Western music. It's historic yet modern. But it has been largely stereotyped as "slow" and "boring."... When people say it's slow and boring I immediately know their place in music AND life. It has always been the premiere PROGRESSIVE music... The lower class back then always had their simple Folk music while the higher class had their Western Art or Classical music. They HAD the education to advance the music and innovate... With the rise of the middle class in the 1800's spawned the 'Popular music' Industry filled with corruption. Popular music has dominated our lives ever since... Now, the idea of Pop music is simple. It's entertaining, catchy, simple dance tunes made for the Mass. They don't focus on innovating and advancing the music. They focus solely on entertainment and FAME. Their music is made FOR money and fame.
Okay, enough with the history stuff, now back to Classical music. When people think of Classical music they think of slow, romantic music for elders. Which CAN be true but it isn't JUST that. The music evolves and let me give you an example of the music evolving. Stockhausen was a 20th century composer who started innovating the music by experimenting with electronics WAY before the Pop industry even know about the electric guitar... And a lot of Classical music can be as loud and fast as ever too. I can confirm that I went to a performance that was METAL loud.