"I have such beautiful pornography - I'll show you my collection sometime. "
So that's what I was supposed to say every time someone new entered my house
I don't know anything that was/is disgusting about David Bowie , I really don't
As a matter of fact I don't know any revolting things about my favourite musicians , I never came across anything
here they are in case anybody else or you know something : Bowie , Iggy Pop , Lou Reed , Ian Curtis
BA : Bowie - Hunky Dory , Aladdin Sane , Earthling , Reality ,
The Man Who Sold The World , David Bowie
Iggy Pop (including Stooges albums too) : Lust for Life , Funhouse , The Idiot , New Values
Lou Reed (and VU albums) : Transformer , Loaded , Berlin , The Blue Mask , New York , The Velvet Underground
Joy Division - Substance , Closer , Unknown Pleasures
BA2 : beats me
BA3 : I don't know , who considers them pretentious ?
they're fine to me
BA1 : "Said roar , roar , the thunder and the roar"
Tom Waits , Clap Hands
edit : "Did you know there's a girls' school with 400 girls just round the corner?"
tell me Brian just wanted to get the guy to leave faster
tell me.