R&P: Have you made really good friends on here?
2009-04-09 15:11:56 UTC
I have been on R&P for only a week or two and it seems like a lot of people are good friends on here. Also, a lot of people talk bout the "good days" of R&P. What were those like?
40 answers:
2009-04-09 15:40:30 UTC
Yes, I've actually met who I consider my best friend on here! That is why I love R&P so much! It's shown me awesome music and at the same time I've met some of the coolest people I've ever met because of it!

I got here at the tail end of the good days from what here but even at the end it was pretty damn awesome! R&P was almost never slow. I mean, even at 3 or 4 A.M. in the morning there where still really good questions.
2009-04-10 07:26:44 UTC
No question, the answer is yes. I merely came here out of boredom one day at work and ending up meeting several awesome people over a period of time whom I share a ton in common with musically. That in itself was very exciting. I consider them to be very close friends. Again, I don’t play the name game, but they know exactly whom they are. No matter the fact that this place seems to be coming undone, it is for these great friends I stick around.

I’d also be amiss not to mention that I’ve also met several very disingenuous people on this board. Some who aren’t quite what they appear to be at first glance. It’s very disappointing to me to see how they’ve fooled the masses on here into thinking they’re something that they aren’t. However, one is just as capable of meeting human slime as easily in real life as on the computer. I don’t fault R&P for that.

You know how they say you never know when the stock market is at an absolute rock bottom until you get farther away from that moment in time? The same can be said for these alleged “glory days” (ugh, sounds like a bad Springsteen song) of the R&P. I can tell you approximately when that time period was. It lasted from July 2007 until about the end of February 2008. It was very real. Those were great times. The best way I can explain it was there seemed to be a real togetherness here. There was no mistaking the camaraderie that existed. Then, a series of different events took place, which served to destroy the whole vibe. It really had little to do with excessive trolling because that was still a problem back during the glory days. It had more to do with certain relationships fracturing over a short period of time, involving many different parties. Like Thomas Wolfe once said, You Can't Go Home Again.
2009-04-09 17:27:12 UTC
Good Lord, where would I start.

How about My Best Friends I've made on Answers

The Devil's Reject/Gorgon


Vicky "Skittles" Starr

Silver Rose Wolf



Killer Peaches

Helter Skelter

Brian The Killer Penguin


Meep Meep

Prof Anger

Lauren Loot "Mama"


My Good Friends I've made on Answers

Red X

Pattern Juggler

Law Man



Steven W





Jake Doe



80's Man

Tesla Girl

Mizz SJG



Mustang Girlie

Kalimada Master Of Hats


Frosted Ambassador



James M


Jimmy Jazz


King Crimson


Rock Addict

Hell Cat

Music Man

I Refuse



Vapor Trails



My newest Friends

Free Your Mind







Captain Futility

Nightlife Commando

Radio Waves






I just know I forgot slews of Peeps, I'll edit moar in

What were the good old days like? A lot less hassle, a lot less Trolls, a lot more tolerance and less bashing, a lot more openmindeness and unity. In a nutshell.

If I forgot anyone, I sincerely apologize and didn't mean too.
Man In the Box [ßÖÇ]
2009-04-09 17:56:05 UTC
I can't really say I've made any "really good friends" on here, because I don't really talk to them through email at all. This place has some really cool people though.

The good days... well, when I first came on here there weren't a whole lot of trolls. That was about a year ago, and I'm one of the maybe 8 or 9 regs that has stayed on here since then.
2009-04-09 17:13:09 UTC
Yes. I've met some of the greatest people on here :)

The good old days?

The good old days were when trolls didn't run the place. When really only Classic Rock was accepted. When you didn't see someone's inside joke with some other R&Per every time you go to the question board. When *music* was the main subject here. When there never was a dull moment, or a time when there wasn't boring question after boring question in R&P. When we had gender confused nights, and raids in other sections, and R&P Soap Opera Nights. And funny trolls, like Ms.Jackson if youre nasty, Dr.Phil, That 70s Show, and Tom Cruise.

No offense to this newer crowed.

I have nothing against yall.

I just miss what this place used to be.
2009-04-09 16:56:20 UTC
I came here in the latter part of 2007. You know how you can barely recall facts, if any, from when you were a toddler? Well, that's kind of how I am with the "good days." I recall there not being nearly as many trolls or account suspensions when I first got to the section, but I can't really recall details, haha. There are quite a few old regulars that I recall, and miss, though!

There's some that have been around for longer, like Rckets or Meep Meep, who could tell you more.

How odd, I feel like those old people who are asked reminiscence about their past life. I'm not old enough to reminiscence!

In regards to "good friends," well, I wouldn't really call the my close friends. Moreso, acquaintances. For me, it's awkward to try to build a good friendship online, hahaha! There's a few, though, that I know I'd be close to, had I the chance of actually knowing them in life. I talk to the majority of my contacts fairly often.
2009-04-09 16:11:56 UTC
I have met some really good people on here, some that I talk to almost every day, others that I keep regular contact with. While we haven't met in person, they are people that I value very much.

As Mustang (one of my buds) said, the good old days were about two years ago. The trolls didn't run the show and you could have good conversations and know that people were real. One of them even made a community board outside of here and that was good for awhile as well.
2009-04-09 17:46:14 UTC
yes i have, this place has some great folks and i like most everyone. prolly two of what i consider to be my best friends period come from here, freeyourmind and kristy, both bamfs both awesome, and i talk to them all the time lol im not even kidding they're great. so i really gotta give it to them on this right hurr :D

there are tons of great people though that are always there to help, Punch is a great guy a total bamf, Radio Waves, Mama Jamie!, Karl, Peaches, Andy, Adam, pretty much everyone in the cafe, Mama shes pretty cool even though she wont name me :P.

the "good old days" are just bullshit, dont let anyone kid you ive been on here for like 2 years and its the same stuff just with different bands and different people. however, just recently ive made tons more good friends on here than i had in almost the year and a half beofre that so if anything that proves that its better than ever right now.
Death 06 『Foreign Music Enthusiast』
2009-04-09 18:07:38 UTC
Yea, I've made friends here who are very special people and regardless of long distances they mean as much to me as any of friends I chill with. R&P has a lot of good people.

This is the first section I pondered into and it's the only section I usually spend my time in. People welcomed me with open arms, it's my second family =D

There are sooooo many people who I did not expect to like develop any sort of friendship with. Actually I wasn't really expecting to talk to anyone much in that manner at all so it's really nice.

Now this thing about the "good ol' days" as far as I am concerned, they are still here. I mean there was a period of like severe animosity and some people just stopped coming on at all. There was drama and sh*t along the nature of a high-school level and I wish I could elaborate for you but the thing is I had like no idea what was going on. I was completely and utterly oblivious to that.

I wouldn't concern myself with that though so you needn't worry about anything. There are good people here. Just keep one very important thing in mind: BEWARE OF THE R&P TROLLS! MWUA HAH HAH HAH!!!

Welcome aboard =)
killer peaches bored tyrant
2009-04-09 15:37:02 UTC
I can say that while for the most part, this is a place of "Acquaintances", that I actually have met at least a couple of People who are truly dear to me.

I am not gonna name names, because I don't want anyone to feel left out, but they know who they are, as I regularly chat, or excange Emails with them.

****as for the good old days...well, there is SOME truth to it, but it is not the all pervasive truth some of the old timers will make it out to be, because in the 1 1/2 years or so I have been here, there have always been trolls, cliques and a lot of non acceptance.

That being said, in general, there WERE more actual miusci related questions, and the overall trolling and reporrting WASN'T near as virulent as it is now. There are some really great people on now, there are some really great peopel on here from the old days....

But there is still a lot of crap, just like then. It's funny how we always remember things so fondly... but usually when the fact are put before us, we realize how much we idealize the past, mopstly because we don't as a rule care for change. But I remember a lot worse classic rock and extreme metal and other forms of extreme elitism... all the "No good music has been made since the 80s " CRAP (and I do mean crap..if you are so closed minded to actually believe that, I have trouble believing you actually are willing to even use this new fangled internet thing) to the "True Kult" Black Metal and Gringcore IDIOCY that used to be everywhere here to the Indie rock snobbery. Any of that ring any bells about the Good Old Days?

Yeah, thought so. Anyhow... In that regard it IS better now. Just wish we had more interesting questions, and more actual music sharing, since this is a site dedicated to ROCK AND POP MUSIC. That is what I am here for... and yet, as has been mentioned, there is a dearth of actual new music being bring up new bands of ANY get like 3 answers.

And yet 50% of all questions on here are "Help Me Find New Music"..... SO ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTIONS AND YOU'LL FIND SOME.

So, as some one with no stake in either camp... I gotta say there is some good and bad form both POV.

One thing I could really do without, being an inbetweener ( neither new nor old) is less of this us and them crap... newbies getting annoyed at the oldsters.. and the oldsters pulling their back in the day crap, which baiscally mmakes anyone of the new peopel, whether cool, smart, awesome or not, feel like a second rate citizen.

Just a thought, brought to you by your local, overly blunt, to the point and not really caring who he offends Peaches that Teaches.
2009-04-09 17:55:10 UTC
I have made a Very good friend on here, someone who is pretty dear to me actually :)

And i have a couple people on here that i would consider to be my good friends. Shred and Shagged Rotten come to mind :)

And Mama Jamie and FFAF have both been great to talk to.

I have only been on here since December, i missed out on what people call the "good days" as well, unfortuantley. Sounds like it was fun :(
Michelle Your Belle ♥ theBlackKeys
2009-04-09 16:10:53 UTC
R&P is really close. We're like a little virtual family ! <3

Ahh the good ol' days haha. I think when I first started out at R&P, there were a lot more intellectually-stimulating questions. Ones where there were friendly debates/opinions of music, but maybe not as much trolling.

Just peace, love, and thumbs up. : )

Ps. What's up Georgey!?
2009-04-09 15:28:26 UTC
I've met some cool people on here, but I'm not very close with anyone on here specifically. I don't think I was around back when the "good days" were starting out, but when I came here, it was still a lot more alive. (So, less trolls, nicer people, more legitimate music questions. I basically rephrased what Nancy D. said, lol.)
Exemplars Jr.
2009-04-09 18:15:15 UTC
Aw heck, I'm the new cancer, or course we do! You're the best Molly Pitcher the R&P army ever had! :P

Well, I've had some really great friends on here.




Are You Dead Yet?

Rock Addict


Mary Ramone

Rocker Kidd

Katie P


Except for one, they're all girls. Even though half of them are older than me, I bet I still sound like a pedo...argh...
Jamie Cacophony
2009-04-09 17:50:36 UTC
I could have sworn I answered this...

Well, I have more friends through here than I have in "real life". I found it quite amazing how I would meet such wonderful people online, LET ALONE on a Q&A website. It's amazing at how much these people have helped me through problems.

There are people who are helping me through current personal issues in my life...They are truly amazing. I don't know what I would do without them. They have helped me, and continue helping me with their kind words and great advice.

Vicky, Daniel, Stab, Ronnie, Killer Peaches, Nancy D, Riki, Darth, Punch, Zach, and SO MANY OTHERS!

I haven't known her for long but Lola is a pretty cool gal.


Col, Migh...

I love you all and I appreciate everything! I wish I could return the favor. I will someday.
Lily! ❤ The Virgins
2009-04-09 15:38:48 UTC
I've been on here for nearly a year now, but I don't have really really really good friends in particular...outside of the Qs and As of R&P I don't really chat with regs/contacts much because I just don't have the time cuz I have other things in life to do, lol.

I have emailed or chatted with practically all my contacts through Qs and As, which is pretty cool. :)

R&P *was* better last year. The questions were original and entertaining, but still music-related...the regs were great too, but a lot of them have left or barely ever come on anymore, which sucks. Too much drama and jealously and cliques and s*** like that as well (yes, it's just like high school!). And the trolls are currently at their peak. (UPDATE: Yes, they've always existed, no doubt about that, however they weren't as prominent as now)

And on top of that, NO ONE ever tries to answer music have to practically *beg* for people to! This section is *always* slow now, even at their former peak times.
2009-04-09 15:31:51 UTC
The good ol' days were like 2 years ago, even a year ago when the trolls didn't run rampant and the kiddies stayed offline and gave the adults some time to actually have discussions.

I have made a few great friends off of here, one even came out and visited me and went to a show with me and then I flew out to go to a show with them. =)
2009-04-09 17:17:06 UTC
Yes I have made some really good friends here and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
David V
2009-04-09 15:32:45 UTC
I have met a lot of good friends here who I keep in touch with.

I have only been on here not even a year yet, and every day has been a good old day

take care

Nancy D
2009-04-09 15:28:25 UTC
I have made quite a few good friends on here. I also met someone on here (Rikki) and am madly in love with him. We are finally going to meet up in Vegas in three weeks and I can hardly wait!

The good old days had cool questions, a few less trolls, and some regulars that are not around any longer.
2009-04-10 21:41:58 UTC
I have made some decent good friends here. But this site has turned into an absolute joke. It's not fun anymore & when it's not fun it's time to take a break.
2009-04-09 17:33:07 UTC
Not really. There are a lot of people on here who have really entertaining answers and I enjoy their questions and all, but I haven't really had any contact as far as email and stuff goes.
Floyd Maniac likes Prog.
2009-04-09 18:13:48 UTC
yeah, i have a couple of friends on here, the good days were before we got overloaded by trolls, and whatever you want to call Man Egg L, he's got like six accounts!!!
♥Tan of Cydonia♥
2009-04-09 17:47:54 UTC
Yes, I have. I have met so many people that make me smile, laugh and are good friends....I consider some of them even better friends than the ones I have in real life! ;)

PennyLane isin your bloodstream♫
2009-04-09 17:49:38 UTC
i meet a lot of cool people on here!!!

the good times on here were when people asked real questions & didn't just start fights over bands.....
Rock Addict 3113
2009-04-09 15:22:12 UTC
Not only have I made THE best of friends on R&P but I also met the love of my life, his name is Music Man and I love him so much, he means the world to me. Also I have about 7 R&P Regs phone numbers and I talk to them daily. Some of my best friends from here are Adam, Andy, Nirvana Snob, Killer Peaches, Darth, Shredder ( yes I'm friends with BOTH of them). Also R&P turned me into a Metal-Head within a years time.

EDIT- Hi Jimmy!!!!! Did you check out Charm City Devils yet?
2009-04-09 15:16:31 UTC
I am pretty new also, well it's been like a month but whatever :)

The good days, i wouldn't know, but there probably wasn't as many trolls
freee your mind
2009-04-09 17:37:12 UTC
yes ive met some incredeable people here. they all mean alot to me. i consider 2 of them to be my best friends and im not kidding **zach and kristy my 2 pretenious filthy buddies**

and im starting to get to know mama jamie alot and i love her and her beautiful daughter. they both mean alot to me <3

ive also met people i really like talking to like

karl and punch lucy ronnie ffaf and color me fun!!

this place is really great and i speak to zach and kristy all day =)

** wasnt here for the old days ive been here for around 7 months
2009-04-09 17:30:02 UTC

This might sound weird, but I've made life changing decisions because of some of the people in r&p.

The "good days", I dunno. I've been here for like two years and it's all the same to me. XD
2009-04-09 15:17:53 UTC
i havent made any "good" frineds, but i suppose theres some people on here who like me, yes. and i just joined febuary, so i dont know what the "good ol days" were like.
Janie Jones
2009-04-09 15:27:08 UTC

In the 'good days' there were good music questions instead of Who's Who questions and rants about bands everyone hates.
Jimmy Jazz
2009-04-09 15:23:55 UTC
Not really.

Everyone always talks about the good old days. Because everything was better when one was younger. I feel this way about the 90s in general. As for R&P, people talked about the good old days when I first got here. It's an idealized land of sugar streams and lollipops.


Yeah I gave them a listen, they were cool. Thanks for that.
2009-04-09 15:27:48 UTC
i started here in January r&p is a fun place to be and i have the coolest friends on here



/ \
2009-04-09 15:27:30 UTC
A couple, i have their proper email addresses.Phoned one in America once im UK that was strange.
Ziggy Stardust
2009-04-09 18:08:24 UTC
No, no one here likes me. >___<
2009-04-09 19:25:41 UTC
No, not really. But it would be nice.
2009-04-09 18:02:38 UTC
yeah! check my contacts and my fans!
Kristy (Lady Stardust)
2009-04-09 15:39:46 UTC
Yes! They know who they are.
2009-04-09 18:01:40 UTC
Yeah I made some amazing freinds on here!

and about the good days? well..

I really dunno either.=/
2009-04-10 13:59:00 UTC
No, i go unkown.. :(


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.