I can say that while for the most part, this is a place of "Acquaintances", that I actually have met at least a couple of People who are truly dear to me.
I am not gonna name names, because I don't want anyone to feel left out, but they know who they are, as I regularly chat, or excange Emails with them.
****as for the good old days...well, there is SOME truth to it, but it is not the all pervasive truth some of the old timers will make it out to be, because in the 1 1/2 years or so I have been here, there have always been trolls, cliques and a lot of non acceptance.
That being said, in general, there WERE more actual miusci related questions, and the overall trolling and reporrting WASN'T near as virulent as it is now. There are some really great people on now, there are some really great peopel on here from the old days....
But there is still a lot of crap, just like then. It's funny how we always remember things so fondly... but usually when the fact are put before us, we realize how much we idealize the past, mopstly because we don't as a rule care for change. But I remember a lot worse classic rock and extreme metal and other forms of extreme elitism... all the "No good music has been made since the 80s " CRAP (and I do mean crap..if you are so closed minded to actually believe that, I have trouble believing you actually are willing to even use this new fangled internet thing) to the "True Kult" Black Metal and Gringcore IDIOCY that used to be everywhere here to the Indie rock snobbery. Any of that ring any bells about the Good Old Days?
Yeah, thought so. Anyhow... In that regard it IS better now. Just wish we had more interesting questions, and more actual music sharing, since this is a site dedicated to ROCK AND POP MUSIC. That is what I am here for... and yet, as has been mentioned, there is a dearth of actual new music being shared..you bring up new bands of ANY genre..you get like 3 answers.
And yet 50% of all questions on here are "Help Me Find New Music"..... SO ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTIONS AND YOU'LL FIND SOME.
So, as some one with no stake in either camp... I gotta say there is some good and bad form both POV.
One thing I could really do without, being an inbetweener ( neither new nor old) is less of this us and them crap... newbies getting annoyed at the oldsters.. and the oldsters pulling their back in the day crap, which baiscally mmakes anyone of the new peopel, whether cool, smart, awesome or not, feel like a second rate citizen.
Just a thought, brought to you by your local, overly blunt, to the point and not really caring who he offends Peaches that Teaches.